The Rainy Day

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author note- Thank you!!! for half century.

It was a rainy day and somehow because of his luck Flix forgot to bring his umbrella. now he was getting soaked in the rain .just then he sees a bakery around the corner .

Felix pov

just my luck the day i forgot my umbrella it is raining cats and dogs and now my clothes are all wet. Why is it that mother wanted to visit uncle Gabriel and cousin Adrien.

Oh there is a bakery maybe i can wait there till the rain lessens or stops.

(runs and stands under the uplifted part of the roof{sorry don't remember the proper word} and starts running his hands through his hair)

(just then a girl who reached his chin came from inside the bakery)

oh another one of Adrian's fangirls ever since I came here I am being ambushed by Adrian's fangirls. Don't tell me I have to deal with one more of them in my present condition.

(looks into her eyes and is mesmerised by her blue bell eyes)

notices her lips moving

"hello sir, please come inside its cold here and the rain hasn't stopped you might get sick" said the pretty bluenette.

She is so cute and kind.wait..what am I thinking??wait say something.

"oh I don't want to bother the owners by making the inside a mess because of me" he said

"I am the owners daughter Marinette and I don't think mama and papa would mind" the girl known as Marinette said.

"that's kind of you miss Marinette as not many people would do that for a stranger" he said with a charming smile.(he is also one of those people who uses the person's title like miss and all)

"you know you can j just call me Marinette (Felix coughs a little interrupting her) come on you are getting sick because of the weather" she said.

(then she grabbed his arm and dragged him inside)

why am I letting her pull me inside. Why did I  smile to her I am not like that to others.

(Marinette went and got a towel and hot chocolate )

"here take the towel and dry your hair" said Marinette

she is so caring (takes the towel and starts drying his hair)

"thank you so much Marinette" (sees her tomato red face and smiles)

"oh its nothing (giving him the cup of hot chocolate)do you want to talk while its raining" she said.

"sure" he said.

Maybe this trip to Paris isn't that bad after all (goes with Marinette and sits at a table and start talking)

"thank you for your kindness an d keeping me company I would like to make this up to you may I take you on a date" he asks

Marinette pov

he is cute and my feelings for Adrian are gone now that I realise he wasn't who I thought he was. It was so fun talking with him, I didn't even realise so much time had passed.

"ye-yeah, sure. Here is my number (taking a slip of paper and writing her number) message me the time and place" she said smiling.

"of course mon chéri ."he said while kissing the back of her hand.

He is such a gentle man.(he walks to the door waving)

"he is different tikki I feel it" she said to her kwami.

"I think so too Marinette" said the kwami.

Date-21 June 2022

Author Note-everyone do comment where you are from! if you are comfortable.

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