"Yeah I am here. Need something before I go to class?"

Opening the door I asked, "Does this look okay?"

He was so stunned, "Whoa... You look so beautiful... The moonlight is dancing around you with every move you make."

"Jeez you didn't need to say it like that."

He laughed while teasing me. "Are you blushing?"

After that I shut the door getting changed back into my normal cloths, when I went to put my uniform away I accidentally cut my finger on my dresser. "Ow..."

"You okay?" He said immediately, I heard my door knob turning.

"I am fine Ray go before you're late for class."

"Skipping a class is no problem." He opened the door. I covered my finger with my other hand.

"I told you everything is fine."

Looking behind me, "What are you hiding behind your back then?" I thought oh no if he sees my finger he might make me drink blood again.

"It's nothing, now get out." I stepped back.

"It is not good to lie you know." Walking closer to me. "Did you cut yourself again?"

"No I didn't, so leave." I felt a drop of blood slide to the end of my finger tip and dripped one drop of blood.

"You're really stubborn you know that?"

"Just get out!" I raised my hand to push him out, but he grabbed my hand tossing it somewhere else. As he did that, he grabbed my bloody hand.

"Seriously... I have never met anyone who gets hurt this much. The blood on the train should have healed this as well and the other wound. Don't push yourself too much."

"Go to class!"

"Fine." He let out a long sigh, walking out of my room.

Sitting in my room I thought about everything Mr. M said. What should I do? I don't even know who I am! Now I am questioning what I am. Only a few days ago I was in my dorm all alone and friendless, so why now does everything have to change? It makes no sense. Why am I even here? Why did my mom want me here with all thiscreatures? So many questions and no answers... I need to ask Mr. M but I don't know where his office is also I don't want to run into any students. Still I need to at least look around a little, I guess. Before I go I should put a bandage on this cut, don't want to repeat what happened last time. Grabbing the box of bandages I applied one directly where it was bleeding. "One problem solved." I could feel myself smiling a little bit, I almost forgot how to smile.

Walking towards the door I reached for my necklace that was on my neck, after grasping it in my hand I felt so much stronger and safer. As if nothing could take me down. After all this have I finally completely lost my mind? I mumbled, "Even if you're insane you don't have to worry about it because soon you'll wake up, and everything will go back to normal. Just like it was before whether I want it to or not." I put my hand on the knob, trying to find the strength to turn the knob. After a little bit I cracked open the door, and it didn't screech, it was silent. That scares me more I think, the silence is like a cover up. I never thought silence could be so terrifying.

I continued forward peeking my head out the door. My sweatshirt and jeans made it so weird like a whole new experience. I guess I should get disguised so I don't draw attention to myself with my appearance. Continuing back in I put on the uniform. Still it fix so perfectly. How did he know my exact size? From my other uniform maybe? That is the least of my worries I need to get to his office or somewhere at least.

Vampire DreamerWhere stories live. Discover now