Chapter Forty-One

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Abhimanyu's POV:

I snapped out of my trance when I felt Ishita move and realized that I was still holding her waist. I remove my hands immediately. She has a cute look on her face, you know a look of a five-year-old looking at something they wish they could have. I look at the direction she is looking only to find the ice cream truck, so she has this drooling look for ice cream.

"Don't even think about it" She looked at me with wide eyes embarrassed of being caught drooling.

"But I love ice cream and it has been so long since I had one"

"No, you are already wet from this rain, and having ice cream will only make you sick."

"Please Abhimanyu"

"No, don't. Don't look at me with puppy eyes. You are not having ice cream and that's final."

"Okay fine, but just one not more than that." I give in as it's hard for me to say no to her, and with the puppy eyes, it becomes all the more difficult. 

"Yayyy" Without waiting for me she just ran towards the ice cream cart.

"Bhaiya, one strawberry ice cream and one chocolate ice cream"

"Ishita, I said to have only one"

"I getting one for you Saddu" where did that come from, she never called me that.

"Did you just call me a Saddu, when I am getting ice cream for you?"

"But you are Saddu always grumpy and angry."

Before I could say anything the ice cream guy called us giving us the ice cream's Ishita ordered. We started walking towards the car, and holding the chocolate ice cream in my hand I realized one thing Ishita ordered my favorite flavor ice cream for me. Was this a coincidence or did she remember my favorite flavor? I really need to figure out this mystery of what happened three years ago. But until I do I am not leaving her side. She has managed to wrap me around her fingers again and the hold she has on me is much stronger than before. This time I will not be able to bear to be anywhere but by her side.

"Mmm, this is sooo good" This was the third time she moaned while eating the ice cream. And I was losing my control. I turned and stood in front of her holding her hands which had ice cream away from her face.

"Stop doing that"

"Stop doing what?" She asked, mischief clearly evident in her eyes. She moved closer and whispered in my ears "Does it bother you, Abhimanyu?" her voice seductively completely different from the mischief in her eyes.

I grind my teeth at the intensity of her voice or maybe her closeness I don't know but this was torture. I don't want to take advantage of her being drunk but at the same time, I know she will not be this close to me tomorrow once she comes down from her high of alcohol.

"Ishita, don't"

"Why?" this time she was biting my earlobe.

"I'll not be able to control myself from kissing you."

"Why are you controlling yourself, Abhimanyu?

"Because I don't want to take advantage of you being drunk"

Something flashed in the eyes, it was too quick and before I could read the emotion it was gone and Ishita's lips were on me for the second time tonight.

This time I didn't waste time kissing her back. And the moment I do I realize that I can't have enough of her. Now that I have her taste on my lips again I don't think I can ever not want it again. She can break my heart a thousand times and still make me somehow crawl back to her with all the broken pieces in my hand. She is my woman, my heartbreak, salvation, and everything in between. She kisses me with more hunger and passion and I kiss her back with the same intensity. We break the kiss to catch our breath and seconds later we are back kissing each other, this time more urgent, harder, and deeper. It felt like she was somehow trying to make up for the three years we lost.

Breaking the kiss I touch her forehead with mine

"You'll be the death of me" I whispered not sure if she heard it.

"You kissed me back" she whispered back which made me chuckle.

"I'll always kiss you back, baby," I assure her kissing her forehead.

"But you didn't last time" She looked at me with so much vulnerability.

"That's because you caught me off guard baby and I didn't want to take advantage of your drunken state," I say trying to console her. She shivered under my touch.

"Come let's get you home before you catch a cold." I hold her gently and make her sit in the car while I book the cab sitting in the driver's seat.

"Why do you hate me?" she asks out of nowhere. I look towards her and find her sitting comfortably on the seat with her legs folded in Indian style, her head leaning on the seat looking at me.

"I don't hate you. Not now." I reply not wanting to ruin the night by telling her the truth and also because I don't know if the truth will harm her in any way. It's better to consult a doctor before telling her about anything.

"But you did hate me. I heard you talking to Vedh when I visited you in the office and that's why I ran away from you. I didn't like seeing you upset and I knew only me going away will fix that. So I just packed my things and ran away. But you found me" I feel guilty listening to her words. I made her run away, I would have never been able to forgive myself if I would not have found her that day.

"I'll always find you but that doesn't mean you'll be running away again. I want you with me no matter what mood I am in."

"I used to check for you in every room for the starting two weeks of our marriage. I realized that you were avoiding me after 3 days but I still continued doing that hoping that someday I'll see you in the house." this information shocked me and gave me hope at the same time. She craved me in a way then. Maybe she still remembers me subconsciously.

"It will not happen again I promise. You'll see me every morning no matter what"

"It feels like a dream, this conversation and everything that's happening. I know when I open my eyes tomorrow you'll not be there." She says ending her sentence with a yawn.

"I'll be the first thing you see when you open your eyes tomorrow. Now sleep you are sleepy."


"Promise." kissing her forehead I wish her good night. The cab arrived in half an hour, I picked her up bridal style and held her in my arms the entire ride back to our home. 

Author's Note: 

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