Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter 27:

I was feeling excited and nervous at the same time for the first day of my work as Abhimanyu's personal assistant. I was confused on what to wear for the occasion, I know that there is no dress code in Abhimanyu's workplace as I witnessed many women wearing semi formal and some wearing slutty formal dresses. After careful consideration, I decided to wear a brown shirt paired with white formal pants.

Having resolved the clothing dilemma, I moved on to the next important task: getting ready. Taking a longer-than-usual shower, I emerged refreshed and ready to apply my makeup. Opting for a natural, no-makeup look, I found it ironic how there is make up involved for no make up look. Like people go to multiple steps of makeup to achieve a no make up look which as per name should not involve any makeup. Since it was a no make up look, I decided to go with the name and ditched the foundation. I applied a light touch of compact powder, kajal, and a nude shade of lipstick to my moisturized face. Satisfied with my makeup, I tackled my hair, although hairstyling was not my strong suit. I settled for leaving my hair open with a side parting, a simple yet presentable choice.

Once I finished getting ready, I promptly booked a cab to the office. Uncertain whether Abhimanyu wanted me to accompany him or if he had already left, I hoped for the best. Within 20 minutes, I was standing in front of Saxena's office building which resurfaced my earlier feeling of nervousness. After my last visit to this place I was firm to leave Abhimanyu and here I am not standing in front of the same office, waiting to be start working as Abhimanyu's PA. I was skeptical to take this offer as Abhimanyu is hell bent on ignoring me and then he gives me no choice other than the offer to work with him as his personal assistant where I would be working closely with him, spending most of my day in his presence both at work and at home.

Pressing my sweaty palms against my pants, I gathered my courage and entered the building. The security guards allowed me inside after verifying my appointment letter. Familiar with the layout, I bypassed the reception area and headed directly to Abhimanyu's floor. However, I couldn't help but glance quickly at the reception only to find that there is a new receptionist working instead of the one I encountered during my last visit. They must have realized their mistakes in hiring her in the first place.

As I stepped into the elevator, preparing for the doors to close, a hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, preventing the doors from shutting. The opened again revealing a handsome guy dressed in suit that accentuated his chiseled features and confident demeanor. His piercing blue eyes met mine, and a charming smile spread across his face.

I smiled back and moved to press the button to Abhimanyu's office floor. I noticed that he has not pressed any button, I wonder if he is going to the same floor as me.

"Looks like we're heading to the same floor," he said, his voice smooth and captivating.He must have seen the confused look on my face.

Caught off guard by his sudden comment, I managed to respond, "Oh, yes. That seems to be the case."

"Where are my manners? I am Ranjit, I work in the HR department. And you?" He said.

"I am Ishita. I'm starting today as Abhimanyu's personal assistant," I quickly replied. Hearing my response he gave me a look laced with sympathy.

"Is he that bad?" I asked

"No, I mean I wouldn't say that but he is quite umm... particular when it comes to work." He replied hastily.

"I hope your first day goes well," he added, offering a reassuring smile. "And if you ever need any assistance or guidance, feel free to reach out."

"Thank you," I replied gratefully, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "I appreciate your support."

With that, he waved goodbye and made his way to his own workspace, leaving me to navigate the beginning of my journey as Abhimanyu's personal assistant.

I quickly navigated my way to Abhimanyu's office, I knocked on the door and waited for his reply.

"Come in" came his reply after full five seconds.

"Um... Good morning" I greeted half-heartedly. His eyes was fixated to the computer.

"You are late by 10 minutes due to which I had to grab my coffee by myself today. I am letting it go since it was the first day. I want you to be here by 8:30 sharp from tomorrow. You will be acquiring the desk there" he said motioning towards the desk opposit to his office. "and will take up all the basic responsibilities of an assistant. For today, I want you to check all my appointments and send me the reminders 10 minutes prior to any meeting. And add all the appointments in my calendar as well." he said in one go not even sparing his glance my way. No good morning nothing, how rude. I stood there for a minute not sure if I should leave or stay since he didn't mention anything.

"Do you want anything?" he asked, this time looking at me.

"Um.. No" I replied

"So why are you still standing here?" he questioned again. This time making me angry in the process. Without any another word, I made my way to the desk he asked me to occupy.

Five minutes into me looking at all his appointments, I heard the phone on the table ring. I picked up the phone and immediately heard Abhimanyu's voice.

"Come to my office." he said and hung up. Someone seriously needs to give him a lesson for manners.

This time he gave me a bunch of files to sort. I quickly started working on the tasks in hand.

I was disturbed by someone knocking the desk, looking up I saw Ranjit.

"Hey, hows it going?" he asked smiling.

"Well I understand your sympathy look now, if that answers your question" I replied.

"That tough huh? Anyways I wanted to give these joining papers to you. Mention you name and sign her after reading them. Once done you can just submit these to the HR office." he said.

"Read and sign, got it." I replied. Waving me he started to go

"Um.. Ranjit" He looked back at me. "It would be great, if you could help me witht he directions to the HR office." I asked.

"It's on the other side of the room and since there are only two offices on this floor so it will not be difficult to find." he replied.

After reading all the documents I signed where Ranjit informed me and mentioned my name as Ishita Malhotra.  

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