Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

*Ishita's POV*

I look at my watch, I left half an hour early to avoid any chances of getting caught. Lakshmi Kaki might be on her way back. She's supposed to be back in 45 mins judging from her previous schedules. On my way back, I couldn't help but feel nervous about being caught. What if Suresh called Abhimanyu? Shit, I didn't think about it while leaving. Just as the thought occurred to me I couldn't help but panic.

I quickly make my way towards the house. Once I reach I notice that there are no guards near the gate. The living room was also empty. I check my phone and there are no missed calls or messages. Feeling glad that no one found out about my absence. I make my way towards my bedroom. As soon as I open the door. I see Abhimanyu sitting on the bed looking pissed. If I was not terrified of the sight of him right I would laugh as I can see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Where were you?" he asked.

" I... I was... just out... For a walk..." I lied, stammering. That was the first thing that came to my mind. And judging by his looks I can see that he is not even close to believing the lie I just spoke.

In a minute Abhimanyu was towering over me, he grabbed me by my waist and before I knew it I was caged in between him and the door. What is with angry Abhimanyu and caging? I should be terrified right now but at the moment all I could think about was how close his lips were. If I make even a slight movement our lips would touch.

A sigh escapes my lips as soon as the thought invades my mind. He looks me in the eye and moves his lips near my ear. I feel a shiver run down my spine as soon as I feel his breath on my ears.

"Do you think I believe in your lie?" he says just about a whisper and the impact of his voice made me choke on my words. Instead of saying anything, I nod negatively just a little.

"Now tell me honestly, where were you?" he repeats his question. I swallowed the words. I was unable to speak. I lost my ability to formulate a sentence. How can I think clearly when he is standing so close to me? At the moment all I can think of is how delicious his lips are. And I am trying my best not to stare at them or his eyes.

"I asked, where were you?" he growled and moved away from me. He was angry.

"I.. um... I went to meet a friend." I said looking everywhere but him.

"Friend... Huh? Are you sure he was just a friend? Because of the way you were looking at him, anyone could assume he was more than a friend." he said with venom in his voice.

What is he talking about?

"I am talking about the way..." he started. I believe I said that out loud. "you were holding his hands and looking him in the eyes. Telling him about how unhappy you are with this marriage and how you were forced to marry me" he shouted and he was caging me again to the door and grabbed my chin to make him look into his eyes.

I was unable to speak. I cannot think of anything at the moment. How do you explain yourself to a person who already believes that you are wrong? He has already made a decision and no matter what I say he will not believe me.

"I see you are not denying it... huh?" he growled. I have never been so scared in my life as I am right now.

"Abhimanyu... Believe me, he is just a friend." I whispered. Hoping he would believe me.

Suddenly there's a ringing sound. I look around and realize it's coming from his phone. He picks up the call and moves to the other corner of the room. Facing his back towards me he talks on the phone and keeps looking at me over his shoulders.

I was busy trying to understand his reaction and how he came to know about my meeting with Vivek that I was not able to hear a single word he spoke on the phone.

Once he returned he looked stressed and angry.

"I have an urgent errand to run. You are not allowed to leave this room. In Fact I'll lock the door from outside".

I looked at him with panic. I am claustrophobic. "Please, don't lock the door, I'll not leave my room I promise."

"Didn't I say that you cannot do anything which can bring shame to Saxena's name? Yet you went to meet your boyfriend even after my warning. I cannot trust you to not break your promise now, can I?." he said and left the room locking me inside.

I have been trying to keep my panic in check ever since Abhimanyu left the room locking me inside. I know it is the same room I sleep in daily on my own but knowing that the room is locked from outside increases the panic.

I was lying on the bed counting the sheep in an attempt to sleep. If I sleep I'll be fine and maybe when I do wake Abhimanyu will be back and the room will be unlocked. 

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