Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter 32:

I see the woman in Abhimanyu's office leave right after me, giving me another angry look. If only looks could kill I am sure I would have been buried 6 feets under.

She was looking at me like I did something wrong like she was not seducing someone else's man. People might not know who Abhimanyu Saxena's wife is but they sure knew that he is married. And even if she didn't Abhimanyu knew he was married and his wife's desk is just outside his cabin, and he still had the audacity to cheat. I wonder what he was doing behind my back.

The thought of him being with someone unsettles my stomach, I don't know why. Happily married or not no one should cheat. Yes that is the reason of being upset about it.

I quickly get back to work throwing the sandwiches in the dustbin no longer in mood to eat something. Barely 5 minutes later I get a call from Abhimanyu asking me to come to his cabin.

I knock on his door determined to not open the door even if I have to stand here all day.

"Come in" this time Abhimanyu was quick to answer.

"You called for me, Sir" I say Sir with extra force almost mockingly. Abhimanyu walks up to stand opposite his back leaning on his desk slightly.

"Yes, why were you in my cabin just now?" Anger builds up inside me hearing his question. I thought he might be sorry for what he did or maybe try to explain himself but no he wants to know why I disturbed him. I get it that I am not someone he wanted to get married to and neither he is happy in this marriage or contract or whatever it is. But for some reason it still hurts me. Not that I'll ever let him know that neither will I tell him about the sandwich I bought for him thinking he skipped his lunch.

"Sorry Sir, it won't happen again" I say ignoring his question.

"I didn't ask for apology. I am asking why were you here?"

"Doesn't matter. I asure you that it's not gonna happen again."

"Ishita, don't test my patience... you won't like the repercussions"

"I get it you are irritated by me disturbing your private time with her"

"Why are not answering my damn question?" he suddenly looks at me like he understood something. "Are you jealous, wife? The way he says wife angers me more. And no I am not jealous, I am just unhappy about him cheating it's different and it makes sense. Me being jealous doesn't make sense.

"Why will I be jealous. I am happy to know that we are free to see other people. I have been ignoring some of my admirers. Now I can finally go out with them."

Suddenly I caged between the door and Abhimanyu for the second time today. What is with him and caging me he sure likes to do that often.

"I will not go out with anyone, I am understood? You are my wife. You have my surname with your name and you are fucking mine and I don't fucking share." He said anger clear in his eyes.

"I don't share either but I don't see that stopping you from being close to another woman. Even when you know your wife is right outside." I fire back. He looks at me with strange look in his eyes something close to admiration. And he tucks my hair behind my ear.

"She was a client, I cancelled our contract as she was constantly trying to come near me and I didn't like it. She was here to get me to work with her again. Which she wouldn't have if you would have been at your desk like you were supposed to. So my darling wife where were you?" He says while playing with my hair.

"I was hungry since I skipped breakfast and lunch so I went to cafeteria to get some sandwiches for you and me. Since you skipped lunch as well."

"Where are the sandwiches?"

"I threw them in the dustbin." he laughed. He fucking laughed at that. I look at him with shock this is the first time I have seen him laughing a real laugh. The sound fluttered my heart.

"Let's go" he said sobering up.

"Where?" I asked confused.

"To have lunch."  

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