Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30:

*Abhimanyu's POV:*

I don't know why I am upset that she put her name as Ms. Ishita Shingania in the joining papers. Even I don't want everyone knowing that she is Mrs. Saxena my wife.

When I called her my wife there was something in her eyes that told me that she liked it. I could be wrong. And would definitely be lying if I said I didn't like calling her my wife. She is the only person that I have liked maybe I still do but I can't bring myself to admit it to anyone even myself that I have feeling for her not after whatever has happend. All that I have got to know from...

"Sir, we are all set to start." Khayti's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Yes, let's start" even when I said this and stared at the screen where the presentation Khayati has prepared for this meeting in my mind all I could of was her being pressed against me.

Having her sitting next to me where I can easily smell her fragrance a mix of vanilla and sandalwood. It's intoxicating. I wanted to kiss her and wouldn't stopped me have either. I could tell that from the way she was looking at me and how her lips parted inviting me to kiss her. But what would have happened if I would have kissed her. Can I ever bring myself to forgive her? After all whatever happened was in the past and I can see that she is not the same person anymore. Is it possible for someone to change like she did? Or was she always like this? I never got the chance of knowing her. I wanted to... I even tried to but I stopped all my attempts after I got to know things about her. Things I can never forget or forgive. But again she doesn't look like someone who can do this she never did.

Looks can be deceiving my inner voice said.

True but I really want to believe her. Maybe I can start by knowing her in the present. I can turn a new leaf right? I can get to know her now that I have a chance of doing it.

Make sure not to fall for her again said my inner voice again

"We have managed to increase our profits by 20% this quarter by increasing the variety of our jewelry." I was brought back from my thoughts again by Khayati.

This time I didn't let my focus away from the meeting. As soon as I joined I was quick to realize the mistake my dad has been making in the business. He was focusing on jewelry that was focused to only one audience, early 30s to 45. Although he was able to bring in profits but now that I have included daily wear jewelries which taps the larger audience markets we have been seeing significant increase in our sales every quarter. Last quarter we managed to increase our quarterly profits by 10% which was approximately 10 million. And now we have increased that profit by 2 million and this is a great start of me being the CEO of the company.

"Good job team, I need to have a meeting with the core members of every team this week to brainstorm more ideas for this quarter. This strategy is good but we will have to keep exploring more ideas if we want similar graph of our profits in the future." I said to everyone.

"And, what is the status of the new team that we want to create for Branding?" I added directing my question to Khayati.

"Yes Sir, we are looking into that. We have few shortlisted candidates for interview. I wanted to check with you if we can look for someone internally as well. I have came across few employees who might be a good addition to Brand team." Khayati replied.

"Okay, let me know the list of people you shortlist from the organization. I will personally take the final interviews of each candidate internal or not."

"Sure Sir"  

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