Chapter Eleven

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I chose the seats in the further corner of the restaurant I was supposed to meet Vivek just to be sure that no one that Abhimanyu knows sees us.

I was busy reading the magazine when I felt hands on my eyes "Guess who?" a recognized voice said.

"I know it's you Vivek, it's not a surprise when you schedule a visit." he let go of the hands from my eyes and I was met with the smiling face of Vivek.

I get up and hug him. I did miss him. It's been 3 years since I last met him. Vivek joined me and Maya in the last year of graduation and we three were inseparable since then. He is one of the people who knows about my sudden departure to London for 3 years.

"So Vivek, how have you been?"

"Nothing much just I am getting married in three months"

"Oh my god! It's amazing. Congratulations. How can you say it like it's no big deal."

"Well, I thought you got married without even telling me let alone an invite so marriages might not be a great deal for you."

"Firstly, Ouch. Secondly, you know that there was nothing I could have done to stop my dad from getting me married. He tricked me to come here and left no space for arguments."

"I know, it's okay I forgive you only if you promise to not miss my wedding."

"I will not miss it for anything in the world."

"So how is your husband? Has he been treating you nicely? Also please tell me this is not the same Abhimanyu Saxena Maya was obsessed about." he asked all the questions at once without giving me any chance to respond.

"Um... yeah. Abhimanyu is good. He treats me nicely. And yes he is the same Abhimanyu Saxena Maya was obsessed about." I do not mention the part where Abhimanyu has been nothing but an asshole to me or how he is hardly home.

Abhimanyu had already graduated by the time Vivek joined college. So Vivek has never met Abhimanyu but he has heard a lot about him from Maya. She never used to shut up about Abhimanyu until she met Shubam. Her marriage was arranged to Shubam by her parents and it was funny how easily she forgot Abhimanyu who was the love of her life according to her only till Shubam came into the picture. She was head over heels crazy for Shubham after that.

I wish she was here with us. I miss her and wish that all the things that happened three years ago didn't happen at all. 

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