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(n). the act of falling in love with the wrong person.

"Alone?" Voice filled with confidence catches his attention. He turned his back to look at the woman stalking towards him, every step of her left, an effective mark directed towards his heart.

Wearing a light sky blue mullet dress with a loose ponytail and dark red lipstick she was looking absolutely gorgeous.

Damn Jung Chae Young, death of him.

Marcos gulped uncomfortably, shifting on his seat, wringing his hands in agitation. Averting his gaze he chants don't-look-at-her continuously. Sitting beside his stool making his heart raced with abnormal beats.

Chae Young: "Where are your partners Marc?" She curiously asked, signalling the waiter for a drink by raising her index finger who nodded in response.

Marcos observed when she took out the red lipstick of missha, painting her lips with it, adding fuel to the flame and looking extra gorgeous. Her friendly nature and her being comfortable around him always makes his love grow more towards her.

Marcos: "Boss is busy with Mrs. Kim and Mr. Jeon And Park is sleeping. They were very tired after finishing the pending data from the office." He explained in a normal voice, suppressing the raised fire inside him by her presence.

Chae Young: "Mrs. Kim?" Raising her palm towards her mouth she let out a heartful laugh at his remark. Wearing a smile she turned towards him and asked in a playful voice.

Chae Young: "Do you really think taehyung is serious with her? I can't even imagine. I've never ever seen him taking interest in any women but" She paused.

"But if he is serious and genuine about her I'm happy for him, maybe his heartless and bossy self will change." Completing her left statement she genuinely beams at him, his own lips curved up looking at her affectionate features seems to radiate happiness, her gorgeous smile reaching her eyes.

Marcos: "Smile often, you look pretty." He compliments her in a daze of admiration.

She blinked astonishingly, confusion blew inside her due to his newly found demeanour but she shrugged it off taking it as a compliment.

It wasn't her first time receiving admiration from the other person but from Marcos it was kinda awkward for her.

Coughing weirdly, he turned straight realising what he just did, silently drinking his wine, followed by her.

Looking at him from the corner of her eyes, her lips slightly curved up.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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