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(n). the quality of changing mood or behaviour suddenly and unexpectedly.


Before she could utter any word her conscious fade in thin air of his aura, caging her from throat without even laying a finger on her,

Her soft plump lips were wobbling and a wave of intoxication ran through his every fibre,

her eyes jittering with her long eyelashes kissing and un-kissing her cheekbones before every inch of her body lost consciousness entirely.

Her body was about to touch the cold dirty floor but his big hand automatically wrapped around her tiny waist and held her in its place.

The soft tingling sensation again started aroused inside him and every cell of his body alert, her soft structure wrapped in his sinister arms made his heart pound contingently.

Soft sparks made their way inside his veins and he dared to think she was not involved in all this shit and for the first time in his mafia matter Kim Taehyung knelt down in front of his heart and made up his mind to find Mark as soon as possible because somewhere inside him with all his mighty he wants her to be proved innocent.

With her in his arms he softly let his knees touch the cold floor and made her lay down, his intent obsidian orbs fixed on her soft structure. She again distracted him without doing anything.

Something clicked his mind and he abruptly stood back on his feet before turning his back at her laying body,

Taehyung: "Don't forget il tuo fottuto scopo. (Your f*cking aim)" He reminded himself, hand fisted tightly, his index finger between his teeth and eyes closed in utter frustration.

He moved his feets towards the door not turning once, his hand fisted tightly as if he was forcing himself to not look back while his heart screaming the opposite,

His feets were about to cross the line of room before he veered back and gazed at her,

losing in front of his heart as he scoffed looking at how softly she breathed in her sleep and looked more innocent and he muttered frustratingly.

Taehyung: "Look at you, come fai a dormire così tranquillo."

(How can you sleep so peacefully)


Taehyung: "Five f*cking days and you still dare to show up in front of me with an empty hand." He growl like a hungry lion in his deep voice and his guards shivered in their place, eyes fixed on the floor intently waiting for his next command to make a move.

Taehyung: "24 Hours. I'm giving you the last 24 hours to either find him and bring him to me or prepare for your funeral."

His menacing words, full of threat make every cell of their body alert and bowing down in respect they all leave one by one with their determined motive.

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐊𝐓𝐇 || ON HOLD ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora