21 | From the Dead

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"I think you forget who you're talking to. I just got reamed by someone I care about deeply because of the exact same thing. With some differences, of course, but the point stands. Your friends are worried about you and want you home, that is clear." Azrael tilted up her chin to look her straight in the eye. "So, you walk in with your head held high and don't ever regret doing what you had to."

Obsidian smiled, happy with Azrael's words of encouragement. He always knew the right thing to say to smooth over any situation.

"I'll meet you outside in a second, alright?" Azrael rubbed her shoulders comfortingly.

"Don't take too long."

Once Obsidian left, Meliodas was overflowing with excitement. "My little brother is going to flip. I wish I could be there to see it."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a front row seat to Zeldris's downfall." Azrael matched his energy perfectly. "He's in for a real surprise."

"Do you truly believe you can turn Obsidian against the Commandments?" Meliodas had to ask the pressing question in the back of his mind.

"Of course," Azrael said so confidently that it took Meliodas by surprise.

"Someone's confident."

"No matter what, her loyalties will always lie with me." Azrael glanced to where he could see Obsidian outside kicking at the dirt as he was sure her anxiousness was mounting. "She'll do the right thing in the end."

"We'll see about that."

Azrael nodded once and walked away, stopping short for a moment. "Who knows? Maybe others will follow once she does." He left to accompany Obsidian and his mind swirled with ideas of how to go about enacting his plan. He was less than thrilled to be subjected to spending time with followers of Zeldris, but if it made her happy, then he would do whatever for her.

"Are you ready for this?" Obsidian turned to face him.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose," he replied with little enthusiasm.

"I appreciate you doing this and making peace. We don't need any more division."

"Of course. Anything for you." Azrael stroked her face.

Obsidian smiled softly then, before Azrael could blink, she was sprinting towards the ledge and jumped, the wind hitting her face as she freefalled. It all felt so good and she let out a deep sigh before snapping out her wings and lifting into the air. She smiled brightly down at Azrael who watched her with amazement. She looked so beautiful and was the only goddess that he would ever accept.

She held out a hand to him and he unfurled his own wings made from his demonic energy to lift into the air to join her. They circled each other, flying round and round as laughter filled their lungs. It was so freeing with the wind blowing through his hair and the feeling of weightlessness he was experiencing. He was light as air and free as a bird, and he smiled as all the memories of their times flooded back.

It was like the first time when she had been so reluctant and he'd shown her the joys that came with letting go. Only now, Azrael felt as if he was experiencing the sensation for the first time, and sighed at the fond memory of all those years ago.

"Let's get going!" Obsidian called and Azrael rejoined her side.

"Lead the way."

Zeldris stood on shaky legs as he anticipated the moment he'd see his lover again. He took a couple deep breaths to control himself, though it didn't seem to do much. He clutched the bouquet of flowers tightly between his hands, his nerves getting the best of him. Funnily enough, it wasn't the new addition of Azrael that made him nervous, but rather, Obsidian returning to him after all they had been through. He expected her to be furious with him for not doing more, for being so weak when she needed him the most. It was embarrassing that she had enough mental fortitude to go against Meliodas and sacrifice her own happiness to save everyone else.

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