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Normani POV

Last night was one of the worst night sleeps I've had in a long time. Tossing and turning every few minutes, restless periods of being awake, and random hot flashes to top it all off. If that wasn't enough, my stomach felt like a shaken up can of soda.

When I turned over towards my nightstand, I picked up my phone to check the time. Seeing that it was only 5:43am, I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. Just then, my stomach cramped a bit once more. I brought my knees to my chest, hoping the fetal position would make it easier to bare but it didn't. My forehead and back became dampened with sweat as I clutched my stomach, only to be met with a feeling of my mouth watering randomly.

"Shit.." it was in that instance when I knew I had to throw up. Trying to beat the inevitable, I softly climbed out of bed, walked quickly into Y/n and I's shared bathroom, and closed the door. I became lightheaded as my throat and stomach began to heave until I released into the toilet. My eyes watered as I tried to keep my retches quiet.

Over and over I let go into the toilet for about five minutes before I finally finished. Right when I went to flush the toilet, I hear the door creak open.

"Mani? You okay?" she walked into the bathroom and turned on the lights I had previously left off. I flushed the toilet and sat down on the floor with my head in my hands, trying to regain my bearings.

"Yeah I'm..." my mouth watered again and I jumped up to throw up in the toilet again. Y/n raced to my side and rubbed my back as I did. I went to stand up afterwards but got lightheaded and almost fell back down. "Fuck.."

"Woah, easy tiger." Y/n caught me and helped me sit back down. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I've been tossing and turning all night, hot and cold, and my stomach hurts every now and then. Maybe it was something I ate." I shrugged.

"We all ate the same dinner though Mani, and you barely finished yours. Is it your period? I know sometimes that's a symptom. " Y/n gave me a cup of water to drink afterwards.

"No, my period is..." I realized the date and my eyes widened slightly. "What's today?"

"Uhh, December 21st. Twins turn two today." she checked her phone.

"Can you grab my phone for me real quick?" Y/n went to get my phone off of my nightstand and brought it back. I opened my period tracker app to see that my period is three weeks late.

"Everything okay? Do you need to throw up again?"

"No I don't. I think I'm pregnant." the words shocked me as I said them.

"Wait, didn't you have your period a couple weeks ago?" Y/n's eyes grew wide.

"Babe, I'm three weeks late. I never had my period this month." We look at each other and smiles spread across our faces slowly.

"You're pregnant?"

"I think so." I chuckle. She pulls me into a gentle hug, careful not to move me too fast so I don't throw up again. I felt my eyes get teary as we swayed back and forth for a moment.

"Why does this feel even more surreal than the first time?" We laughed.

"I don't know, but I'm equally as happy." I wiped my tears. "Perfect timing huh?"

"I know right? Are you still up for the twins little party tonight? We can always move it to tomorrow or something." I shake my head no.

"No, I'm okay. Believe it or not, throwing up actually made me feel better. Plus the kids are all looking forward to it." I get up to brush my teeth after flushing the toilet again. I rinse my toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide afterwards to make sure it's clean.

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