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Omniscient POV

"Are you almost here?" Megan paced back and forth on the phone with Normani's mom.

"We're going as fast as safety permits. Are all of you okay? Is anyone else hurt?"

"Well define okay. But no, no one else is hurt. We're all waiting to hear something." Megan looks back over her shoulder to check on Normani and Doja.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can. Call us if anything happens. Take care of yourself and them too."

"Yes ma'am. See you when you get here. Drive safe." Megan hangs up the phone and goes back to her best friend and girlfriend. She's trying to wrap her head around everything that has happened so far. She was in the V.I.P. section with Doja, Amala as she calls her, and Normani when everything happened. Somehow she managed to keep a level head while she watched the everything fall apart. She ran to find her own and Normani's security.

Now, after finally making it to the hospital, she felt like she could kind of take a breath. Amala was consoled, but still very shaken up. Normani, on the other hand, was a wreck. She hasn't really spoken since they were escorted to the waiting room. Honestly, no one had spoken since they got there and Megan preferred it this way. She couldn't take seeing both Amala and Mani crying as hysterically as they were. Each sob broke her heart, so if silence meant they weren't crying, she'd take it gladly.

Amala was taking this rather hard. This industry alone has been so cruel to her and her best friend. Now she was struggling to grasp there were other threats to Y/n's sanity. Who could do something like this? Why? she thought to herself, ransacking her brain for answers. Meanwhile, Megan sat between Amala and Normani and grabbed both of their hands for support. After awhile, she couldn't take the deafening silence so she decided to make herself useful.

"Y'all want some water or something? I can run to the cafeteria or a vending machine real quick." Normani wanted to answer her, but it seemed like her voice was trapped within her thoughts. Instead she nodded.

"Y-yeah." Amala answered. Megan was glad to see they were at least responsive and not in shock.

"Okay, I'll be right downstairs. I have my phone on me so call me if anything happens or if you need something, okay?" she smiled softly. Normani nodded again, wiping a lone tear from her cheek.

"Okay." she responded. Megan kissed Amala on the cheek and gave Normani's hand a final squeeze before walking down the hall. Amala's hand replaced Megan's. She looked up at her friend and couldn't contain her tears any longer. She covered her mouth so she wouldn't cry out loud, but she couldn't hold herself up any longer. Amala collapsed into Normani's arms and let out silent, but heart shattering, sobs. Normani instinctively grabbed onto her for dear life, letting Amala cry her heart out. She didn't have anymore tears left at the moment.

"She's gonna be okay. D-don't worry she's.." Normani's voice, frail and shaky, trailed off. She was trying to convince herself more than Amala. Needless to say, it wasn't working. She didn't know what to believe.

"Five shots? Who could... why would anyone do this?" Amala cried.

"I, I don't know." Normani was asking herself the same questions. She took some tissues from the box on the side table and passed some to Amala. After allowing her to wipe her face, she lifted Amala's head and spoke. "We can't give up on her okay? She's not going anywhere. We just have to keep faith. In the meantime, we have each other." Amala nodded and pulled Normani into a tight hug. The two found some solace in this embrace. It was all they had for now.

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