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The next day...

*beep, beep, beep, beep*

"Can we PLEASE turn off these monitors?" I say, obviously annoyed

"Babe no we cannot turn off the monitors that are reminding us if you're still alive or not." Normani responds with a chuckle. I groan and throw my head back in frustration.

"The beeping is killing me, I'm gonna lose my mind bro."

"First of all, not your bro. I'm your future wife. Secondly, we can turn the volume down baby. Here I'll do it." She gets up to turn it down and readjust the wires. "Better?"

"Yes, thanks babe." I try to lean up for a kiss, at which I fail. Luckily she meets me halfway and we both smile into it.

"I don't think I could ever get tired of that." She pauses before she continues, looking me in my eyes lovingly. "I missed that." She smiles.

"Me too, you have no idea." As she sits beside me on the bed, a comfortable silence overtakes the room. Mani carefully leans back into my chest, I wrap my arms around her and interlock both of my hands with hers. I place a gentle kiss on her shoulder before resting my forehead on the same spot. She releases a small sigh and rests her head on top of mine before she goes to break the silence.

"I don't think I've ever been more terrified in my life. As much as I had our friends and my family keeping me on track, I felt so..."

"Alone." I finish her sentence, to which she nods in agreement. "I'm so sorry. I wish you didn't have to go through that trauma. You didn't deserve that."

"Y/n, you are the last person who should be apologizing for anything. You're the victim here. I wish I could make her go away for you." She kisses my head.

"I kinda took care of that already." I whisper, nervous at her response. Mani sits up, turning to face me.

"You mean you..." she questioned

"Yeah, right before I escaped. If I didn't I'm not sure I'd be here right now." I said looking down at the IV in my hand, fidgeting with my thumbs.

"Y/n.." she cupped my face with her hands softly, placing a soft kiss onto my forehead before continuing. "I know you may feel conflicted for taking her life, but you were trying to survive. You did it the best way you knew how so you could still see the light of day."

"Thank you. I really needed to hear that." I offer a sad smile.

"Of course, I'm so glad you're free of her forever. You deserve peace." She pulls me into a hug gently, being careful not to hurt me. I melt into her embrace for the first time since our reunion. Tears burn through my eyelids, seemingly searing my skin as they fall. The sound of the faint beeps in the background comfort me now, a reminder that I'm alive and I survived. I did it. I think to myself, further melting into my lover's embrace. The sounds of the beeps slowly fade away as I lose myself in her touch. Engulfed into her hold, into this moment, for the first time in a month I finally feel safe again.

"I'm sorry I left you for so long. You never left my mind I swear." I cry into her chest.

"My love you never left mine either." She responds through her own tears, tightening her hold on me. It hurts a bit, but I don't care. I've never needed a hug from her more than now. The gravity of fear, the unknown, and torture detached from my center. My shoulders feel a release of tension as a wave of peace rushes over my body. She releases me from the hug and wipes her face.

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