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Normani POV

Dinner was amazing. You never realize how much you miss your mom's cooking until you don't have it for a long time. After everything Y/n and I have been through, it was so good to have all the people I love together laughing and eating good food. Y/n doing this for me really shows how much she's constantly considering me and my well-being, even though she may be struggling with things herself. She knew exactly what I needed without me having to ask or say anything, which is something I'm not used to. She makes me feel so special and I don't think I'll ever able to find another like her.

The night progressed rather quickly because as they say, time flies when you're having fun. After dinner, we sorted ourselves into teams for game night. My mom, Megan, and Y/n were on one team while my dad, Doja, and I were on the other. So far we're tied up in wins. We beat them in Cards Against Humanity, and Yahtzee. They beat us in Trivial Pursuit and Twister, which was fun watching my parents try to play. Now we're playing Uno, last team to have the most members in loses. So far it's me, my mom, Doja, Megan left in the game. Y/n was out first and my dad second. Both Megan and I have three cards left.

"Okay, the color is now red." Megan says putting down a wild card.

My turn now. I decide to go with the safe route and put down a red 3, leaving me with a draw 4 and a red draw 2.

Doja puts down a red 5.

My mom puts down two red 7s.

"Oh yeah it's over for you Mani. Love you though!" she puts down a red draw 2. "Uno!"

"Aww you thought you ate?" I fake pout and put down my red draw 2. "Uno, hoe!"

"Damn y'all really gonna make me do this to Mama Drea for real?" Doja laughs as Megan and I put our hands up defensively, she puts down a red draw 2 card. "You're still my favorite Hamilton." she says to my mom.

"Hey what about me?" I say fake offended.

"You don't count. You're basically a Y/l/n at this point."

"You're right." I chuckle

"Wait a minute... I don't have a draw 2." my mom says.

"Well I guess you gotta draw 6?" I say. She gasps and we all laugh. "Go ahead Megan and take ya lil turn."

Megan takes a skeptical look at her cards and ultimately decides to draw one. Perfect! I think to myself.

I slap my draw 4 down onto the table. "UNO OUT HOES! Not you though mama." I laugh

"Aye that's my baby!" Y/n throws her hands up in celebration. I go sit beside her and she kisses me on the cheek.

"You know I had to show 'em how it's done baby." we high five.

"Not too much though, my team still gonna beat y'all."

"UNO OUT AHHH!" Megan yells, sticking her tongue out at the end. "That's how it's done!" Turns out Megan put down two draw 4 cards.

"Oh it's down to the last two, which team is gonna take it?" Y/n starts with her game announcer voice. Here she go. I think to myself with a chuckle.

"Well, it's looking to be a clear game right about now Y/n. Mama Drea seems to have about seven cards while her opponent, Amala, has a mere three cards. I think it's obvious who is gonna take the win, what about you?" Megan joins in with her announcer voice.

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