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It's been about three days since I woke up from my coma. Because of the severity of my wounds, they decided to keep me for a week to start, making sure I'm healing properly. Once we hit a week, they'll reassess everything and allow me to either go home or stay a bit longer. Luckily, everything has been going well in that department. I'm even starting to gain my strength back and do some things on my own like go to the bathroom. You never know how much of a luxury that is until it's a must you have help.

Even though this is a tough situation to be in, it's been much easier being surrounded by family and friends. Mani has been here everyday playing nurse and keeping me company of course. Each day, different family members and friends stop by and spend some time with me too. It really lets me know how loved I truly am. Today, Megan is gonna come by with Amala since they weren't able to come yesterday. To pass time, Normani and I are looking through magazines trying to design the nursery for the baby.

"Wait, go back a page!" she says.

"This page?" she nods. "I thought you didn't want to do animals and stuff."

"I don't but the baby fox is really cute!" she smiles like a kid in a candy store.

"Well we gotta make up our minds with the theme. We've gone through animals, princes and princesses. We don't even know what gender the baby is!" I fold the corner of the page down to mark that there's something we like on there and continue to flip.

"First of all, I know for a fact it's a girl. I don't need to wait six more weeks to tell me something I already know." Mani flips the page again. "And besides, we agreed to keep the theme neutral anyways. So when you're wrong about us having a boy, we won't have to redecorate."

"Mani, we both think we're having a girl." I held my straight face as I watched a lightbulb go off in her head.

"Ohhhh. Well, neutral is still the way to go. I don't want them to feel stuck in a box, you know?" she looked down at her small, but protruding belly and rubbed it gently. I place my hand on top of hers and kiss her cheek.

"I know babe." We continued to look through the magazine for a few more minutes until wifey thought it was time to switch to a different one. I can tell she's enjoying everything about the preparations for becoming a mom. It feels really good to see her happy.

After a while, Megan and Amala finally came by to hangout with us. As soon as they came in, I was once again reminded that I have the greatest best friend in the world.

"Yo, you brought my PS5 here?" I said excitedly.

"Just for today. I convinced these two," Amala pointed between Megan and Normani. "to let you have some kind of childish fun." she started hooking up the cords to the TV in my room so we can play.

"And this is why you're my best friend." I made a heart shape with my hands.

"Baby, if by convince you meant guilt trip, then you'd be correct." Megan said with a light chuckle.

"Exactly." I said. Megan and Normani looked at me as if I lost my mind. "What? Y'all guilt trip the two of us all the time!"

"See? I told you she'd agree with me. How many things have y'all gotten just from guilt tripping us?" Amala and I waited for a response.

"That's different!" Normani said.

"How?" my best friend and I said at the same time.

"I told you linking them two up again was a bad idea." Normani laughed.

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