Chapter 18

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Me and the others followed the guys scared as we saw a big drop, my eyes widened in fear as I tried to move away from the edge. "Let go of me you shanks!" Minho yells pushing the guys as one of them ties a rope around Minho's legs and pushes him off the side as there was a sudden scream. "Minho!!!!" Thomas and the others yell worriedly as I started to tear up.

"I'm okay!!!" Minho yells as he hangs upside down. "Let's do the girl with brown hair. She's cute." One of the guys said, pointing to me. "D-don't touch me!" I yelled as the guy grabbed me, dragging me to the edge. "Either join them or you could join me and the guys for some fun" he says smirking as my eyes widen. "I would rather stay with them!!" I said spitting at him as the guy smacks my cheek hard, making me whine in pain.

"Don't bloody touch her, I'll kill you!!!" Newt yells pissed as the guy ties my legs and pushes me off causing me to yell in freight. "Alex!!!!" Newt and the others yell "Bring me the British brat" the guy says looking at Newt as they drag him over, tying his legs and pushing him off they tie each one and push each off one at a time until they are all hanging upside down leaning them all alone.

"Alex, are you okay?" Newt asks worriedly as I sniffled, nodding my head. "Y-yes I'm okay." I said in pain from the smack as I looked around. "Let's hear them out such a great plan Thomas" Minho says sarcastically as Thomas rolls his eyes. "Shut up Minho." Thomas says, looking around as Jorge comes into the room. Jorge walks in looking at them all. "How are you guys doing?" He says as they all ignored him mad. "My man wants to sell you back to WCKED, life has taught them to be small-cut but I'm not like that and something tells me you're not either." Jorge says as Minho looks at him.

"Is it just me or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho asks as Jorge scuffles a bit. "Tell me what you know about the right arm?" Jorge asks, looking at them. "Didn't you say they were ghosts? Newt asks as he looks at him. "I happen to believe in ghosts especially when I hear them over the radio." Jorge answers going to the lever as he pulls it causing them to move down as they all scream scared. "Tell me or do the hard way." He says as they all didn't answer until Thomas speaks up.

"We don't know anything." Thomas says, looking at him. Jorge sighs annoyed and goes over grabbing a stick and hooks it to my rope pulling me to the edge. "Tell me where they are or I'll drop her if you tell me we can make a deal" Jorge says, looking at them seriously as Newt freaks out. "NO!!! Please Tommy tell him!!!" Newt says close to tears. "Okay okay they are hiding in the mountains!! And they attacked WCKED. They also free children, that's all we know I swear!!"

Thomas says worried as Jorge lets me go back hanging upside down with the others as I was crying, shaking as a guy walks in. "What's going on?" The guy asks as Jorge smiles. "Just keeping them company." Jorge says, walking away as Thomas sees.

"Wait, I thought we had a deal?!" Thomas yells watching. "Don't worry, Hermano, we will get you back to where you belong." Jorge says walking away as the guy glares at him leaving them alone again. "Alex, are you okay?!" Newt asks as I nod my head, tears falling. "We need to get out of here the lever if I can get a push I could reach out Thomas" Teresa says as they all looked at each other.

"Okay Fry and Minho push Teresa to the lever" Thomas says as they give her a few shoves she grabs ahold of the lever and hits it as she gets up on the floor unties her ropes then starts helping the others get onto the floor. Once I was on the floor Newt pulled me into a big hug as I hugged back tears falling as I got  up with the others as we got ready to run away but the guy came up.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asks as he pointed a gun at them. "l-look just let us go, we don't want any trouble!" Thomas says holding his hands up as there was a loud helicopter sound they all looked around not knowing. Suddenly Janson's voice was loud.

"This is World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department. We want the kids if you give them to us no harm will come to you." Janson says over the intercom. The guy smirks and pulls out his walkie talkie. "Janson I have the kids I'm bringing them out, don't shoot." The guy says pointing the gun still .

"Okay bring them out." Janson answers back as there was suddenly a loud bang causing me and the others to flinch and look for blood or wounds not seeing anything as the guy falls to the ground. "Come on this way." Brenda says as I look at Thomas and them. "I'm going with her.. Newt" I said as I followed her along with the others.

We all ran to a big open window seeing Jorge standing there. "Come on, follow me!" he says, pulling down a cord and running a bit as he goes sliding down the line going into the next building as they all go down one after the other. Once I made it to the other building I put my feet down landing. I watched as each one came over from the other building as Newt walked over to me.

"Come on, where's Thomas?" Teresa asks as Newt looks at her. "He said he will be back, Brendan went to get something." He says as Jorge sighs. "They need to hurry before the song ends. " He says as Minho looks at him. "Why what will happen?" Minho asks as he looks at Jorge just in time the building exploded.

"Thomas!!!" Teresa yells in shock. "Don't worry they found a way out, let's go find Marcus. He knows about the right arm, they will meet us there." Jorge says as they follow him to Marcus' place.

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