Chapter 7

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Me and Newt looked at each other as Newt clears his throat. "Uhm ignore him but we do meet talk….first it was Thomas and now her do you all know each other or something?" Newt says leaning against the pole that is holding up the hut. Well shit I have to come clean now.

"I don't think I do…I had a dream of Thomas and her but I thought it was dreams." I said looking up at him. "Oh it could have been a dream on how you guys just met" Newt says not wanting to get mad or jealous as he looks back at me. "Maybe.." I said going to the door to leave as Winston came running in. "Newt the girl is awake!"  He says as all three of us run to the tree house looking up as stuff is falling down. "Whoa stop throwing stuff down!!" Newt calls out as me and Newt hide under stuff while stuff is being thrown down.

"Stop throwing down the rocks and stuff!" Winston yells as Thomas and Minho run over. "What's going on?" Thomas asks looking up at the tree as things are being thrown down still. "I don't think she liked us very much." Newt says watching.

"Throw one more of those things and I'mma-" Gally yells as a rock hits his head groaning in pain holding his head. I couldn't help but to laugh when it happened. Thomas takes cover with the others and yells. "Woah woah it's Thomas and Alex!!" He yells up at her as the girl stops throwing stuff down. "Only me and Alex go up.." Thomas says as he grabs my hand pulling me to the ladder as we climb up the ladders.

Newt sees and tries to grab my arm jealously but misses it by an inch. On the way up to the tree they see that the girl has a machete.  "Woah okay out that down we are not gonna hurt you." Thomas says as he pulls me up looking at her. "Who are you and where am I?!" She asks as I watch. "I'm Alex and that's Thomas..but you already knew that.." I said, looking at her.

"Your name will come back in a few days, that's the one thing they let us keep." Thomas says, looking at me then at her as he reaches for the machete. "Teresa…" She says as Thomas and I looked at her confused. "What?" We asked at the same time. "My name it's Teresa."  She says looking at us as she hands the machete to Thomas as we all sit down on the wood planks.

"So Gally thinks it's my fault..?" She asks, looking out at the trees. "I think everyone is just worried that after you came up the box hasn't gone back down, what do you remember?" Thomas asks, looking at her. "I remember seeing faces, feeling like I was drowning and a woman's voice saying the same thing over and over again she was saying w-" Teresa got cut off by me and Thomas. "Wicked is good.." We said at the same time.

"I've had dreams of you and Alex since I got here…" Thomas says as I was shocked hearing this. "I've had the same dream…of you two" I said looking at them two as she brings out two strange shots. "These were with me when I came up.." She says handing it to Thomas as he looks at it reading the two strange shots. "Wicked…wicked is good" Thomas says thinking.

"What if we were sent here for a reason?" I ask, watching him. "Alby!! Come on!" Thomas says climbing down as me and Teresa follows him down running to the medical hut. I see Newt and medjacks talking while looking at Alby. "Newt look!" Thomas says as Newt grabs it and looks at it.

"We don't even know what this is, it could kill him." Newt says, looking at it. "Newt come on he's already dying what would it do?" Thomas asks as Newt sighs, nodding his head. Thomas walks over to Alby leaning over as he was about to put the serum into him, Alby woke up pulling at Thomas yelling and screaming.

"You two shouldn't be here!!!" Alby yells as me and Newt try to pull Thomas away from him. Teresa sees and pulls the serum away from Thomas slamming it into Alby's chest as he lets go slowly falling asleep. "He needs to be watched 24/7." Newt says, looking at everyone as Gally walks in. "Greenies…it's sundown" He says as Thomas walks with me following close behind as we get into the pit.

I sighed sitting down on the ground looking up at the ceiling yawning. Thomas sits down on the chair looking down at me. "Are you okay?" Thomas asks, looking at me as I nod my head tiredly. "I hope we can all leave here… " I said  slowly falling asleep as Thomas stayed awake and talked with Chuck until he went to sleep also.

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