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bored soooo, more little things about Millie! (+ a few hcs)

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bored soooo, more little things about Millie! (+ a few hcs)

1. Millie's bow actually has multiple colors based on the outfit she wears.

2. Her middle name is Magdalena

3. Millie is afraid of the dark, so she usually has to sleep with an nightlight. She's also afraid of certain bugs and thunder

4. Her favorite breakfast food is chocolate pancakes, with strawberries!

5. Her favorite fruits are peaches and strawberries, her favorite vegetables are corn and carrots. Though she isn't much of an fan of vegetables..

6. Millie's eyes are able to glow in the dark like an cat since her eye color is so bright

7. When Millie is trying to think deep into something she may say to her, "im focusing im focusing im focusing.."

8. Millie loves butterflies! Her and Frank usually go butterfly catching together

9. Millie visits her parents sometimes during the Holidays with Wally. Whether it's thanksgiving, Christmas, she always gives to find the time to squeeze in her family

10. Millie has an very firm bite, deep to pierce through skin, so watch out!

11. Millie and her mother both share the similar gap between their teeth.

12. After lore Millie's wings flap very fast when she stims as well! When she's happy their happy

13. During the events of afterlore, she's canonically considered an angel

14. She absolutely loves high waisted pants! She looks to change up her style any chance she gets.

15. She was very shy as an child. She didn't interact much with people unless they showed an interest in her.

16. Millie's lore is based off of "Dangerously yours"

17. Millie's able to point out the littlest of details, if you change your hair, if you did your makeup different, etc.

18. Millie's hair is very precious to her, it's her most favorite feature of hers! If it were to be cut, she would be heartbroken

19. Canonically, (Welcome Home Style) Millie's eyes are always downturned in an sort of tired expression, unless she's really excited

20. Also spoke of this before, But Millie hair is based off of Fionna's (Adventure Time)

21. She has small hands but also, soft ones! A lot of the characters like to hold her hand or rub their hands with hers since she's always warm and soft

HC : I always headcannoned Millies nose squeezing when it's booped (freddy fazbear reference) but poor girl would find it so annoying..



• Actor Millie has an tendency to add onto her words. For example, if you ask her an question while she's irritated she'll say something along the lines of "Well I dont's know!"

• Hoops (College AU) actually hates her producers. They don't give her and Damien enough freedom to themselves, and tend to be very disrespectful towards them

• Opposite has an certain tolerance for kids. She wouldn't want the kid close to her cause of their nasty kid germs, but would actually have the heart to watch them so they won't get hurt. She wouldn't admit it, but she sorta has an heart for them

• Gothic's eyes are always closed (Haven't made her yet!) She's very loud and rambunctious, known for her bad reputation

• RF has her own lab, but Wally makes sure to keep any sort of close chemicals out of her reach or way due to her fear of chemicals.

• Police Officer Millie and Wally have an serious business relationship, yet you can tell there's clear tension.

• Toymaker Millie is an porcelain music box doll, that sings music to children but also tells them stories. Her eyes also light up like an night light! However she has an small crack on her cheek from an small accident!

• Beach Town is an photographer obviously, but did you know she also works at an Luau? She's an waitress at an Luau bar, and is well known cause she always snaps people's photos whenever they want too!

• Magnus (Male Magnolia) is usually characterized to be 3'7.. but canonically is 2'9.

• Singer Millie has an sort of "Verosika Mayday" attitude to her. Bad Breakup and is petty towards their ex for fun, however the only difference is that she deeply misses him

• Crime is VERY protective over kids. Having to deal with her brother getting taken away, she's always spent time with kids and has an soft spot for them.

• Bad Influence's cat "Pig" was actually an gift from Wally. Also, the reason for her bad haircut was from an bad "drug" night she had that made her have an meltdown

• Human Mils has a few freckles on her nose, cheeks, elbows and between her thighs

• also, I canonically cannot draw Magnolia in the Welcome Home style as good as this.. nor can I do her hair. 💀

• + additional fact about Millie, if you look closely, the ends of her mouth swirl and curve when she smiles

• + additional fact about Millie, if you look closely, the ends of her mouth swirl and curve when she smiles

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