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Decided to show off some more Millie

Decided to show off some more Millie

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headcannons about her

1. She's able to whistle with her tooth gap. She showed Wally and he dragged her around to show everyone else. (Julie, Barnaby, Eddie, and Sally were surprised.)

2. Her nose wiggles when she frustrated, her nose twitches when she's flustered

3. Her pearl necklace was an gift from Wally, her gloves are an gift from her Mother. (hence why she always wears them.)

4. Her favorite types of candies are, gummy worms/bears, twix, heart shaped chocolate (from an certain cat 👀) and Hershey's

5. Sometimes when she gets frustrated, she may stim her fists up and down fast

6. Puppy dog eyes. She has the best puppy dog eyes.

7. She's very quick to gush over guys she finds attractive. She sees someone with muscles. 'Why Golly, look at the muscles on that man." Of course, nobody compares to Wally in her book

8. She doesn't wear much makeup besides lipstick, and eye shadow. Beneath she's an natural beauty

9. She has an habit of humming when she's doing things.

10. She's so small that if she has to reach for something and can't, she'll reach her hands out towards the newest person to lift her so she can see

11. She's an very heavy sleeper. If you were to pick her up and hold her like an baby, she would eventually fall asleep. However, she wouldn't let go of you at all.

12. If she was an animal, she would be either an cat or an bunny.

13. Her nails are actually painted underneath her gloves, having white nails and her singular ring finger being blue

14. When she sees an shooting star, she always makes an wish

15. She sometimes gets home-sick from being so far away from her family, but Wally always comforts her about it.

16. When she's mad, her eyes actually shine like an cat in the dark

17. She's double-jointed! She popped her wrist back in place once and both Wally and Barnaby screamed

18. She has 2 canon designs, one with wings (after lore) and one without. (Still working on it)

19. She's an very messy eater. Wally sometimes has to wipe up her mouth, but always admires her anyway.

20. Her hair is naturally straight, however she always curls it with curlers! (When she goes to sleep.)

21. She has an very sweet scent, she'd either smell like cherry blossoms or candy



21. Her name was originally just going to be Millie, however I have so many Millie OCS so I gave her the name "Magnolia" and the nickname, "Millie."

22. Her name was originally going to be Margaret (now her mother's name!).

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