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Here's some more things about Millie!

• Not only does she have the most cutest and adorable dimples, but she has chubby cheeks! Wally likes to pinch them from time to time, though she gets a bit fussy from it sometimes.

• She's a huge cuddler, whenever she's sleeping or awake! She's cling to you and lay on you to take in your warmth. When she's sleeping with a partner, she's usually the little spoon. She's either sleep on top of you, or cling to you like your an teddy bear! However, you'll have to deal with an numb body afterwards 😂

• She's into romance movies, action movies and sometimes scary movies! Though, scary movies depends, she's very jumpy when it comes to them but she cant help but love the thrill! Romance movies always get her very emotional, so she always has an partner with her and an box of tissues. (Wally is the partner in question 😂❤️ he's used to it, always having to comfort her 24/7)

• She actually really loves cartoons, whether it's old school or new school! She prefers watching stuff like Mickey Mouse, or even kids cartoons. However she's very defensive over it and rathers watches it in private. (Only Julie, Barnaby and Wally are aware of this)

• When she's very happy/excited, her eyes turn into stars. When she's flustered or admiring something, her eyes turn into hearts. When she's pissed, her irises shrink.

• (Afterlore) Magnolia's wings flap when she's very happy, when pet, she purrs. (Similar to Fallen Angel Magnolia, my au.) She's also able to fly with them! She likes to carry Wally around, flying him over the neighborhood

• When she gets upset/mad, she sometimes slips in some Spanish into the mix. She has an tendency of speaking Spanish when she's pissed, even cursing in Spanish too.

• She also loves to flirt with Wally in Spanish as well. She finds it very romantic, and loves to tease him about it even though she's aware he doesn't quite understand it 😂 She's also into Spanish music and loves to sing in Spanish as well!

• She's into different genres of dancing, tap-dancing, jazz, waltz, swing, ballroom, you name it! She's an complete natural when it comes to the dance floor too!

• She's able to hit high octaves when singing, like Mariah Carey/Ariana Grande high pitched singing. She once sung for the neighborhood once for an show and she ended up breaking glass from how high she sung. (Sally kept her for singing in her performances. She cried.)

• Her favorite colors are, light pink, brown, white, red, and gold!

• Her favorite videos games would probably be Splatoon or Animal Crossing! She likes calm games, including just a bit of competition when it comes to Splatoon! Her and Wally play it all the time. (She's an higher level than him.)

• She has an habit of biting her nails when she's anxious. Wally usually has to hold her hands to keep her from doing it.

• She has an very contagious but cute laugh, that always includes her to snort! Once she snorts, she never stops. She finds it embarrassing.

• She has 3 long lashes, one lash in the inner corner of her eye, and 2 bottom lashes!

• Her hair is naturally black and brown! She resembles her mother a lot, but grew up being a Daddy's girl.

• She's very light to pick up and hold! She's practically like an feather, similar to Wally she's easy to lift. When she's lifted she likes to kick her legs around. Barnaby and Howdy like to do this with her sometimes and act like she's an airplane

• She's an W wife. Can't spoil to much, But all I can say is.. She's literally BEST. WIFE. MATERIAL. IN. THE. WHOLE. WORLD. She's willing to go to insane lengths for her man, even if she has to go through multiverse.

• She's naturally strong surprisely for an puppet. She's had arm wrestles with some people and somehow managed to win. (Ended up breaking a guys arm, and flipped one dude over a table 💀)

• If she were to do sports, she would possibly do either Baseball or Soccer. (Would Cheerleading also count..?) She's also very experienced in skating and ice skating, being able to do cool and advanced tricks that even gets the guys/girls jaws dropping.

• Her favorite time of the day would be the Morning and Evening. Her favorite season would be Summer and Winter!

• When she gets really into an topic, or if you ask her about her favorite thing, she'll ramble nonstop! She'll stim her hands around and go on a whole rant about her favorite things. However after she'll apologize if she bore you or annoyed you!

• Her favorite music genre would be old 30-70's love songs, or pop songs. She likes artist like Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra, or even WHAM! She would also like artists like Laufey and Pink Pantheress.

• She's an good artist. She says that she's not the "best" yet that woman draws to Mona Lisa type skills. Though she's messy when she paints she only sticks to pencils! She also tends to fall asleep when drawing, so Wally has to always put an blanket over her and lay her in his lap when he draws.

• She absolutely LOVES carnivals. She loves roller coasters, drop rides, spinny rides, everything. Her favorite parts would be the prize section. Wally always wins her the big and bestest plushies so he can impress her. (She ends up cuddling it, and rubbing her cheek against it while stimming his name excitedly. Similar to the photo below!)

 Similar to the photo below!)

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When she stims, Wally sometimes helps her by flapping her arms around or even shaking/spinning her around. He loves to hear her laugh and stim his name like crazy! She also tends to bounce on her feet when she stims

• (Human) Magnolia, singing voice is Laufey. She also owns an garden where she plants multiple flowers!

• (Human) M, has naturally toned arms. She's not afraid to flaunt them, and is aganist men who see them as "not feminine." She won't hesitant to knock some sense into you. Literally and Physically.

• (Human) M, hair is naturally black but has light brown hair lights. Also, her hair is naturally that long she just grows it out a lot.

• (Human) M, paints her nails daily! She gets them in any colors she wants, however her main is white.

• (Human) M, would definitely be the type to collect puppets, however not the creepy ones! She doesn't like how they look. However if she saw Puppet Wally she would gladly buy him and let him have his own little special section.

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