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"See I told you not to fuck with dude crazy ass. Screaming your man your man your man. Now your man got you stressing about his whereabouts all muhfuckin night!"

"Skai please stop," Mercedes whined as she checked Savonte's location for the 100th time and it still wasn't on.

It was going onto 2 in the morning and she felt like Savonte was taking longer than usual. She was even more worried because his location was off and they weren't communicating at all. She hated the fact that she was completely lost on what was going on.

"When did he leave?"

"Like 11. I don't know why the fuck he's not back yet if he supposedly wasn't gonna do anything. Should I go back to his house? Maybe he's there," Mercedes said, looking up at her sister who was standing over her.

She left Savonte's house after he left and went back home. After worrying herself for hours, she eventually told her sister what was going on and here they were.

"You already know what ima say to that bookie," Skai gave her a look and Mercedes furrowed her eyebrows, confused. "NO!"

"Oh my goshhhh. Skai, what if he's dead!?" Mercedes exclaimed before covering her mouth, realizing what she had just said. "Oh my gosh I can't say that. Oh my God.. I'm finna cry."

"Please don't cry," Skai said. She then sighed heavily seeing a tear slip from Mercedes's eye, followed by several others. "Girl... are you fucking pregnant?"

"Bitch I'm not pregnant!" Mercedes sobbed. "I'm on my period you fucking dickhead..."

"I'm going," She stood to her feet and started looking around her room for a hoodie and her keys. Aggressively wiping her tears, confused on why she was even crying, she spotted her keys on her dresser.

"Bitch are you serious?"


"You're not going like that Mercedes. You're a mess and you're gonna crash."

"Why jinx that on me?" Mercedes looked at her sister crazy. "If you think that so much then just take me."

"You done lost your damn mind," Skai scoffed.

"Okay then shut up," Mercedes rolled her eyes, making her way out of the room. Skai followed behind her with her hands on her hips, she watched her sister put her shoes on before sighing.

"Okay fine, I'll take you," She gave in. "Give me your keys, you're not driving like that."

Though Skai wasn't too fond of Savonte being with her sister, she wasn't about to let her drive, knowing how late it was and how stressed Mercedes already was feeling.

Mercedes stared at her sister for a while, not believing her until she walked past her, slipping her slides on. Skai looked at her and held her hand out for the keys. "Cmon, lemme take you to go see li dirty."

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