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Diary 12/02/2023
My Name is Rinka Yuu, a "male" high-school student. I woke up daily at 05:00, take a bath, eat breakfast and go to school at 06.15, it's take around 15 to 30 minutes to school depending on the traffic, simply because I choose a rather far from home school so I don't see anyone I know from middle-school. And school start at 07.00, it's by my standard is too early but whatever. I go straight home after school at 16:00 and arrive around 16:30 because it's the time for people either from work or school, go home. I sort my school thingy, get changed and play some video games to wait for my parent go home for dinner, or I make them myself. Usually I go to bed at 22:00 but now I staying up to 24:00 to play some games. Unhealthy indeed, but I already make a promise with myself to not hold back and lie to myself ever again. This is Me.

Diary 19/02/2023
Ugh, this waking up habit of mine is really the worst, I woke up 05:00 even at weekends and holidays. I need to change this, so I'll simply going to sleep again after writing this.

Diary 25/02/2023
While I strolling through the noon, someone weirdly stop their cars and talk to me. He really is strange. He gave me his name card, written Kaku and ask me something even weirder.
"Do you need stable income?"
This guy is suspicious.

Diary 26/02/2023
I contacted Kaku using the details from his name card and joking- Seriously asking.
"So which person organs do I need to get?"
He sounded confused and explaining that this "stable income" is not something that suspicious.
After the explaining, it's just guarding someone, but we go straight blending into their daily life.
That still suspicious but I'm interested, so I asked for more details.

Diary 04/03/2023
I started the work that Kaku mentioned after telling my parents. Kaku surprisingly adept at conversing with people that he could gain my parents trust by just talking twice. I go to a house Kaku owned and put my things in there. He said the target will come tomorrow so I'll just familiarize myself with the "workplace" since I need to life here at least till the job is done.

Diary 05/03/2023
Kaku come to the house, with a girl?
Kaku said she is the target of the protection, but really?
She introduced herself as Kaku's daughter, Stella Stiffen.
Does that mean Kaku's full name is Stiffen? I need to confirm it with him.
I wonder how this "work" will go....

Diary 06/03/2023
There's transfer student at my class, and it's of course, Stella. Kaku really want me to protect this lady even at school? Talk about overprotective, eh.
She quickly blend in to the class and became likeable over the course of one day, I'll never be able to do that feat.

Diary 07/03/2023
Stella told me to come to the canteen afterschool. I don't see the reasoning but I'm going there for "work" and only "work", definitely, yes, "work".


Present Time
What the? Why did I recall those memories now of all time? Elderly people I knew always said something similar for this situation.

"When you in a near-death, or even dying situation, you will recall your precious memory and then, soon, death will grasp your soul."

I still don't believe such thing cause, like, how you know that if you never get to that situation. It's just not enough proof for me to believe such things, yet I experience that exact situation and instantly knew, that death is indeed coming for me. Definitely not because Huge Meteor started raining on Earth.
I desperately scrolled through my item inventory to see if there is something to help me survive, even I knew such thing didn't exist, yet I still scrolled, still scrolling, and then found unnamed rock.
I immediately used appraisal, and it said.
"Revival Stone"
Why do such things exist unnamed in my inventory, an appraisal nerd inventory? I don't know, but I immediately used it.

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