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Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy's!


Ascending the metal stairs to our destination it had been quiet. Too quiet . . . no scurry of movement nor a crunch of Elliott's disgusting manner of eating.

. . . Though .

Immediately as we had stepped upon the floor of the top floor a figure had emerged from the shadow's of his doorway, a shotgun in hand that had anxiously been waiting for us. His eyes seemed crazed, taunted.

"Where did you get the film?" he asked in terror, advancing with quick pace towards us,

" ' The Frankel Footage.' The truth this time."

"You know this lunatic?" Diego inquired casually, his eyes lingering towards Five and I, Five sighed in response. I only stood with a look of diplomacy, neutral.

". . . New acquaintance. He's harmless, really." Five said,

"Are you sure about that?" the girl quickly replied. Silence ensued.

"You want to take this or should I?" Diego lowly questioned his brother, his eyes had dropped to the ground. Five had stayed a second silent, gingerly grabbing the backside of my hand as it had immediately intertwined with mine.

"No, we got him." Five spoke, referring to us both. My eyes had widened, a reluctance flew into my system as I had so subtly attempted to pull back,

"Five--" so quick as I had uttered his name we had been engulfed into his signature mist, a forcing of fight as he had now stood before Elliott, his free hand gliding upwards as it had hit the shotgun, it shooting immediately into the ceiling. Elliott had gasped, staring into my eyes that held a plead.

Diego had took the shotgun in his own hands quickly, flicking the switch for the safety option. Behind us all I could hear the false sputtering of the girl. Watching Elliott before me.

"What the hell just happened."

That hadn't been as reckless as I dreaded it to be . . .


The cursed Frankel Footage had taken a slow toll on us all, intrigue had lured us. Interested creatures.

It had appeared to be an old couple, I had subconsciously compared to them to Five and I, an obvious difference had been in their predicament than ours, us being in the bodies of our adolescence . . .

"Curious. They seem frantic . . ." I spoke out of my deep thought, my hand upon my face as I continued to watch.

Behind Five and I laid a tied-up Elliott, receiving the company of a woman named Lila. Had I assumed that was her name, hearing Diego utter it a couple of times.

The two elders on the little orange tape had conversed incoherently in intense anxiety.

". . . They're so cute." Lila began  her hands holding the feet of Elliott as she painted his toenails an ugly green color, how much I did hate that color . . .

"I love old couples. I'm always so proud of them for not murdering eachother. " I lowly snickered at her small remark, glancing towards Five as his eyes were already set upon me, a look of stoic annoyance.

"Why are we watching this?"

"Not stimulating enough for you, Diego? Pity, Coco-Melon doesn't exist in the sixties."

"Shush . . . both of you." Five intervened, I only grinned innocently with my full double set of teeth.

"Yeah . . . I . . . I'm Dan Frankel. And . . . "

"I'm Edna Frankel."

"We are in Dallas, Texas, to see the president!" oh joy, won't this end well . . . ?

"Todays date is November 22, 1963."

"Well, that's six days from now." Lila commented, I hummed with a crooked smile,


"Holy shit. This is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy's about to get shot. How do you have this?" Diego spoke, his eyes now finally fastened upon the screen  my brow raised, peering over Five to see the man, his thick curls covering most his face.

"Hazel died to get me this footage. It must be the key to stopping doomsday."


"Long story."

"What's doomsday."

"Longer story." I stared off, looking at various objects that were classified antiques, scattered around the cupboards and the shelves.

I had felt a bit of guilt. Trapping my poor Elliott in his own home in this manner, my hands were behind my back. My head a void of thoughts, I had wondered of his brother and his wife. Remembering their help in taking me into care and treating me as their child, not knowing I had been an adult much older than them. A toil, a trick.

"What exactly did he say to you?"

"Well, he was killed before he could explain."

I felt a pang of boredom. This tedious conversation a nothing, this had felt relatively common for me.

Was I too expectant of excitement? Of importance or ambition?

I did not care for this cause as much, doomsday. It hadn't mattered either way. I had loved Five, but I did not love this world. I had lived years inside of its condition, always apart of Five . . .

Nihilistic ramblings of an elderly woman . . .

". . . But whatever he wanted us to see, it's on this film."

"This is very exciting." wish I had reciprocated that.

Sounds of gunshots recorded inside the tape had erupted, there's your excitement, Dan.

"Oh, my God!"


"The president!" Five's eyes had seemed to bulge outside the skull of his body, watching the events unfold, ofcourse it had been nothing new . . . as we had been sent before on a very mission to assassinate the man, it happening to be our last task performed in the Commission . . .

"Oh, no." Five exhaled lowly, stepping back to rewind the tape, he had seen something . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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