୨୧┊SIX :

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Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I batted my eyes open, a familiar lamp which provided dim lighting caught my eye. This had meant my Mother wasn't at home, which was good.

I looked around before I took Fives hand once again, he didn't seem to mind after all. We then started to walk quietly through the big house, not daring to make a sound. I thought; that perhaps once they see I wasn't lying about the boy in my 'dreams' , they'd start taking me serious. Someone in this damned family had to take me seriously.

The entire house was dark, not a light had peered through the cracks of any rooms Five and I passed, my hold on his hand tightened only once we gradually got closer towards my two brothers room, a single beam of light was visible from underneath their door's crack. Muffled voices echoed the halls, I recognized them as my siblings voices, they were probably going over school work again or something.

I softly sighed before my free hand gently twisted the door knob to Willis and Bruce's room.

"Y/N? " Bruce questioned curiously, his face clearly confused since, I'm guessing because I never come into or near their room. Bruce was faced towards the doorway's side where Willis' back faced Five and I. Willis expectantly turned his head to the doorway.

"Hey. Bruce, Willis." I smiled a bit awkwardly, why. Why did I do this, and now Five is here as well ?

I moved inside their room, dragging Five along before I moved so they could see him them self,

"This is Five. Five, that is Willis and that's Bruce." I said, pointing to the twins as my mind quickly reminded me who is who again, Five politely smiled, his free hand in his pocket, Bruce and Willis stood up.

Now they were in front of us and they both stared down at us, making me feel quite out of place. I could see from the corner of my eye that Five was slowly breaking underneath their prolonged stare,

"You two are holding hands?" Willis pointed out with a monotoned voice as he stared boredly into Fives eyes, I groaned softly, Five huffed as he carefully removed his hand to now stick it inside his pocket.

"Is this really one of those Umbrella kids?" Bruce questioned with a smile, excitement filled his tone as he was presenting the geek side of him, I rolled my eyes,

"Does it really matter? I brought him to meet you guys. I told you I'd let you meet my friends."

"This is the first time ever you've introduced us to a 'friend'. " Willis remarked, making bunny quotes when he said friend. My brows got heavy as I wanted to scowl,

"It's not that easy to make friends, Okay?" I was now feeling a little embarrassed about this whole situation, how I so immaturely invited Five to meet my siblings and now they were exposing me a bit. My cheeks flared red as embarrassment engulfed me.

"So, what are your powers?" Bruce eagerly answered, directing his attention to Five, Five smirked smugly as he took pride in himself,

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