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The tires roughly screeched along the dark road, stopping abruptly as we all bolted towards the steps of the academy, slamming the car's doors hastily as we did so.

I was losing my mind.

I was terrified out of my my mind at best.

"Come on! Let's go!" Five exclaimed erratically.

"I don't think she's breathing."

"Then hurry the fuck up!" I yelled anxiously, tripping over my own feet.

Diego and Luther carried a barely breathing Allison as Five and I hurriedly followed close behind, tears still streaming from my face without any form if consent. My sniffles were apparent as my eyes were foggy and overall blurry.

"If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die." Klaus mentioned quickly as he ran up to everyone.


I bit my lip in anticipation, seeing her body with her now closed eyelids laying on a medical table as Grace pressured the blood flow from Allison's neck,

"She suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood."

"I will." we all simultaneously suggested, sharing looks with one another once we did so,

"I'm doing it." Luther sternly stated with pride,

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine." Pogo mentioned from beside us.

Right. Last thing we'd want is another monkey-fuzed-hybrid-human thing.

Luther held a deep frown, his eyes not leaving Pogo's once he said just that,

"Hey, don't sweat it. I-- I got this, big guy."

Oh Klaus . . .

"I-- I love needles."

"Master Klaus." Pogo interrupted, making Klaus whip his head towards the ape violently,

"Your blood is . . . How shall I say this? Too polluted." he kindly mentioned with a small smile,


"Yeah, go on."

"I'll do it." Diego finally suggested, walking up to his Mother,

I mean . . . I would've volunteered myself but . . . uh . . . considering I'm in a child's body . . . hypothetically providing a sum of blood for an adult . . .

Grace subtly nodded, holding up an abnormally large looking needle which instantly caused my eyes to dilate and widen as I slowly back up into Five, Grace simply held it in front of Diego.

He whimpered loudly before his poor body met with the floor, a fairly loud thud sound following it just then.



Luther and Klaus exclaimed from the side, Pogo only nodded with his lips pulled into a thin line,

"Stick him."


I stared quietly at Five's back, his posture stiff as he rummanged through his large duffle bag that sat upon his bed. I slowly stepped inside the room, softly shutting the door behind me as I stood still.

PUBERTY TWO [ FIVE HARGREEVES X READER ] ♡Where stories live. Discover now