୨୧┊FIFTY :

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I couldn't describe enough how petrified I felt . . .

I sat shotgun, passenger seat right next to an agitated Five, his knuckles were purely white due to how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. Behind us sat Luther, Klaus and Diego.

All crammed together like sardines.

Stressed air filled the car as well as rapid yelling from Luther here and there, with all this going on I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts somehow . . . drifting away . . .

Five said he saw an alternate universe somehow. A different version of us . . .

I couldn't imagine having children, birthing them as well. The idea felt completely absurd and morbid to me.

Just the idea . . . of being responsible for something other than yourself.

I couldn't even handle myself, how was I suppose to handle two other beings!

Suddenly I felt pressure on the back of my seat, this being Luther who leaned over to us in the front,

"Hey. Can you go any faster?"

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with a cigarette lighter. " Five replied blankly, staring at the road. I stifled a chuckle into my hand, Luther glanced at the both of us for a moment before he eventually leaned back, slumping in his seat.

I softly shook my head as I tuned the radio of the car.

We sat quietly and before we knew it we were there. I tilted my head at the cabin we were in front of, it looking seemingly innocent.

Ah-hah! That's what they'd want us to think . . .

Though at this astounding sight, I wasted no time unbuckling my seat belt, us all rushing out and you could tell it's serious for Five hadn't opened my door for me.

I'm worried.

We all hurriedly rushed on the porch stairs, reaching the front door as Luther threw it open.



I felt my eyes widen as my lips parted in distraught, seeing an unconscious Allison lay in a pool of her own blood

I gasped loudly, stand in stiff as my hand flung up and covered my mouth as I stared in shock.

"Allison! No!"

Luther was the first to kneel down next to his bloodied sister-lover. Her exposed neck revealing the scar her own blood-pool seeped from. Luther gently picked up Allsion's head cradling it, I grimaced as I saw her face.

Her eyes were held wide open, fluttering a bit as he held her carefully.

"Oh my God, Allison . . ." Luther trailed off, his voice cracking as he stroked her bloody curled hair.

I felt tears pricking my eyes, blinking my eyes a few times as they fell, rolling over my cheeks as my lips trembled slightly.

I winched as Five touched me, I didn't turn or move to look at him, only feeling him hold my free hand tightly.

I could tell this was obviously distressing to him too . . .

I couldn't move at all as I stared at the two on the ground, Luther sobbing into her hair as I could only picture myself in this exact situation.

I would be fucking devastated.

"Please look at me, please . . . " Luther sobbed out, Klaus placing his hands Luther's shoulders as he stared at the situation worriedly as he cried somewhat too.

Hell . . . even Diego looked on the verge of tears.

If this wasn't serious . . . If I hadn't known her . . . I'd laugh.

Klaus helplessly looked back at us briefly before he kneeled down himself, everyone now staring at their unresponsive sister.

I shook my head, finally moving as I turned my back at the scene, choking on my own sobs as I forced myself to stop.

Happy place.

Happy place.

Happy . . . place . . .

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2026, Apocalypse

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"Y/N! Darling, where are you . . ." Five called out, his husky voice echoing in my ears as I stood up from my kneeling position, I was busy organizing some of the canned foods we've gathered.

"I'm right over here! Behind the third massive metal plate." I yelled out, laughing at the thought that we called the huge metal plated by numbers.

No sooner than a few minutes I could see Five's figure came into frame, he gave me a rare toothy grin as he walked around the piles of junk around us, finally he stood in front of me.

I smiled shyly, looking at my feet as he held my hands, sighing a bit.

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked softly, looking up into his dark colored eyes.

It really set a contrast against the sky this evening. The hues matching each other perfectly well.

"You won't believe what I had made for you . . . " he whispered proudly, swaying me a bit as he spoke,

"You-- You made me something? . . . Five, show me!" I spoke excitedly, my grin touching the corners of my eyes.

Or at least that's how it felt.

He huffed, smirking before he let my one hand go, pulling something out from his pocket with a tang of pride, my stare lingered on him in complete intrigue, curious to what it could be.

I gasped, letting his hand go completely as my hands covered my mouth in surprise, I jumped up and down.

"Is that-- Is that what I think it is?" I exclaimed, looking at the small object in his hand, I excitedly kicked my feet around in the ground, seeing him laugh at this.


"Y/N--" he kneeled, grabbing my hand to get my cluttered state composed so I could look at him with my full attention, I squeeled.

"YES. YES, I WILL!" I yelled, holding my hand out for him as he slipped the make-shift wire ring over my finger, my eyes watered as I held my hand up.

Admiring the most precious thing I could have.

I jumped into his arms, muttering thank you's as the dorky smile on both our faces didn't seem to fade at all . . .

I was going to get married!

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