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I think we're like fire and water, I think we're like the wind and sea. You're burning up and I'm cooling down. You're up, I'm down . . .

Allison scanned the piece of unfolded paper once more before she looked up at Five. The boy before us simply drank some more of the coffee he stole before he threw the cup over his shoulder to who knows where.

"Who's Harold Jenkins?"

"I don't know . . . yet. But I do know that he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now." Five said sternly, I gazed at him worryingly as I felt my anxiety slowly start to eat me up from within.

"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?"

"I don't know."

"Wait, so you just know his name? That's it?" Diego added as he stepped forward,

"It's plenty, Diego." I said from behind him, he gave me a brief glance before looking at Five again,

"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkinses in the city."

"Well, we better start looking, then. Y/N?" Five spoke, holding out his hand for me as he said my name. I felt myself smile while I took ahold of his hand, letting him pull me along.

It was nice to touch him again. I've seemingly forgotten all about before as his aura completely distracted me . . .

As Five attempted to turn around and walk away, Allison stopped him,

"I'm sorry. Am I the only one who's skeptical here?" Allison wondered out loud, looking around for any similar reactions that she currently had.

I felt Five move from beside me, as I looked over I saw him winching whilst he looked down on himself. My brows furrowed in worry, I squeezed his hand. An attempt to make him look at me and he did.

I looked down at his abdomen before bringing my eyes back to meet his, he smiled softly as he shook his head no. I frowned in disbelief but I accepted it as I looked at Allison again.

"I mean, how exactly do you know all of this about what's his name?"

"Harold Jenkins. You know those lunatics in masks who attacked the house?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember those guys." Klaus quietly inquired as he rubbed his neck, stepping away from the scene.

"Yeah, the ones that attacked us while you two were getting drunk."

"Yeah, them. They were sent by the Temps Commission to stop Y/N and I from coming back and preventing the end of life on Earth."

"The Temps what?" Allison asked with a hint of skepticism while her arms were folded against her chest.

"Our former employer. They monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever is supposed to happen . . . happens. They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days.

So I went to Commission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics. "Protect Harold Jenkins." So he must be responsible for the apocalypse." Five concluded. He stared at his siblings intensely as his ramble has finally ended, they all looked at him or to the side in thought as they processed his words.

Please don't be confused--

"What do you mean, protect time and space?"

"Where is Hazel, Five?"

"I don't believe you, Five."

They all started at the same time, making their words bump into one another, my eyes widened as I tried to listen to each of their words.

"My skin is on fire."

"Do you have any idea how insane this sounds?"

"You know what else is insane?" Five inquired impatiently as he looked up at his sister,

"I look like a 13-year old as well as Y/N. Klaus talks to the dead, and Luther thinks he's fooling everyone with that overcoat. Everything about us is insane. It always has been." Five spoke with a scowl.

"He's got a point there."

"Of course he does." I added to Klaus' response.

"We didn't choose this life, we're just living it. For the next three days, anyway."

"But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died. Why's this time any different? Why shouldn't I go home to my daughter?"

"Because this time, I'm here. We have the name of the man responsible."

"Look, we actually have the chance of saving the lives of billions of people." I said with a bit of hope left in my system. A small smile traced my features as I tried to convince them all.

"Including Claire." Five added quietly.

"You know her name?"

"I do, and I'd like to live long enough to meet her."

"All right. Let's get this bastard." Allison shrugged, walking out of the room in a newly found hope.

I smiled to myself as things were finally starting to get alined, we might actually have a chance!

Might . . . Actually . . .

"You had me at Gerarld Jankins." Diego remarked, his eyes glued to the floor as he stared at utter nothingness. I softly facepalmed myself.

I knew this was comin' . . . From Diego too . . .

"Harold Jenkins."

"Whatever. I've already lost two people this week, I'm not losing anyone else."

"And Luther?"

"Yeah, you go. I'm gonna stay and go through Dad's files." I frowned, still doing that huh?

Why did I have the lingering feeling that that was just a dead end?

You're wasting your time . . .

"I still think this has something to do with why he sent me to the moon."

"Seriously? Now you wanna make the end of the world about you and Dad?"

"No. "Watch for threats." That's what he told me. You think that's a coincidence? This all has to be connected somehow."

Perhaps. Just maybe . . . At a later time.

All will tell by time. Time . . .

"No, we should stick together."

"We don't have time for this." Five exclaimed very impatient, I grabbed my cardigan's collar as I began to play with it. I was growing a bit impatient myself.

"Let's roll. I know where we can find this asshole. Klaus, you're with me."

"Yeah. I-- I'm good." Klaus spoke from the couch he laid on, slowly getting up as he spoke,

"I think I'll, uh . . . I think I'll pass, I'm . . . feeling a little under the weather, so, uh . . . " Klaus continued, struggling to move as he walked pass us, he groaned from a little distance behind us as he shuffled out of the room to quietly exit.

I stared with worry before Five pulled me along with him, he walked with an evident limp I quickly took note of.

Planning to question him about that later . . .

PUBERTY TWO [ FIVE HARGREEVES X READER ] ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz