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"Elliott, did you develop these photos yourself?" Five questioned out to the crazed man as he glanced at few photographs pinned up on a corkboard. I hummed as I watched myself, scanning the pictures in slight thought as I've seen them briefly before.

"Of course." Elliott mused, "Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighborhood Fotomat."

Elliott sniffed, wolfing a bowl of cereal down his throat in an instant, his eyes had stayed still to ours. He had gestured towards his own eyes,

"Government has eyes everywhere."

"I didn't see a darkroom."

"The hallway closet is converted into one, love." I answered Five's question for Elliott, my hand resting on his shoulder as he nodded. Elliott nodded as well, chewing his food grossly.

Soon Elliott had turned away from us as he tuned one of his many radios, brows furrowing as he seemed focused a bit. Five quickly pulled out the orange box of film he had shown me before, scratching out the date with a pen.

Cheeky bugger.

I stared with big eyes at him silently, seeking a response of explanation,

"What's that, Five? Do you know what's on it?" I softly whispered as Elliott was still faced away from us, Five only shrugged and I felt my brows contort into a soft furrow,

"You . . . don't know? What if it's something he shouldn't be seeing? He's pretting bloody mad already . . ."

"If I haven't known better I'd say you'd grown an attachment to this man, Y/N. " I rolled my eyes, chuckling lightly, folding my arms. I thought, watching my husband advance before me to stand right in front of Elliott entirely.

"Can you develop this?" Five asked the man softly as he stepped up towards him, Elliott turning as he took the orange box gingerly, turning it over and inspecting somewhat,

"Huh. 'Frankel Footage.' Friends of yours?" he asked out, looking up as his eyes moved between Five and I. I politely smiled as I stepped closer myself in mild curiosity,

"Cousins on my robot mother's side." Five mockingly spat, smiling briefly in a sarcastic manner. I hummed, softly touching the back of Five's arm as I stood next to him. Elliott had only shot me a brief look of oddity which I only smiled to i  reaponde.

"Can you do it or not?"




". . . Right. Can you do it or not, please?"

"Sure I can."

"How long?"

"Well, I mean, I'm running low on acetic acid. Beeker's Cameras is open today, but it's two miles away. I mean, I'd have to take the bus. On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away, but I gotta cut through the park, and there's pigeons--"

"Elliott." Five and I simultaneously spoke, turning briefly to one another, i blinked.

". . . It's like five, maybe six hours." Elliott finally let out, breathe leaving his mouth at the last word.

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