admiring from afar

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Piper's gaze wandered across the packed hallway as she shouldered her pack, eyes fixing on the back of a now-familiar head. Loose dark curls, a slender hand touching at her neck, a nervous habit. Shel was gorgeous, the prettiest girl Piper had ever met. It didn't help that the girl in question was crazy smart, acing every class, nor that she played the violin as if it was her sole purpose.

At that moment, Shel turned to her direction, and Piper stared at her big eyes, her sharp nose contrasting against her otherwise soft features. She was speaking to her friend, a girl Piper was deeply envious of, a wide smile crinkling her face, white teeth flashing. There was a lot of hand gesturing too, something she had noticed, especially when she was excited about something, which was nearly all of the time.

Shel radiated life and joy, and her whole body seemed to glow with a type of light completely different to that of the gods she had met. Gods burned with power, but being near Shel was like basking in the rays of the sun on the first day of spring.

She was the opposite of Piper, who was harsh and bitter and hurting. Shel was lovely, and kind, and smart, and beautiful. She made her feel the way she felt around Jason. Though that wasn't true. Piper had never felt this way for him. It had almost been a relief when they broke up. Shel felt more genuine. She was more real, looking at this girl, than it ever had been for any boy.

Looking at Shel made her chest hurt, physically. Her heart throbbed for the girl, longing beating at her insides. She wanted nothing more than to sit side-by-side with her on the edge of the roof on a starry night, or to cup her face gently, gazing into those gorgeous brown eyes.

Suddenly, her feet were taking her across the hall, towards Shel. In a kind of trance, Piper approached the girl. Her soft curls came into higher definition, and she could read the print on her black t-shirt. She was a few feet away when Shel noticed her, her mouth stretched into a huge smile, and waved at her. Startled, Piper waved back awkwardly. Shel beamed and turned back to her friend.

It was ridiculous. Piper, daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan McLean, was turned into a nervous mess when around some girl from school. But Shel wasn't some girl, not really. She was light in the black midnight of her life, a dandelion breaking through cold concrete. After Jason, she had forced her heart closed to everything, not wanting to feel anything again. But this girl, with barely more than a warm smile and sweet voice, had pushed herself through the cracks, making her ache for something she didn't deserve.

Piper was one of the prettiest girls in the school, she wasn't stupid. But for all her beauty, none of it held a candle to Shel. She lurched forwards to go talk to her, and then settled back onto her toes. She didn't want to come across as weird or creepy or anything. They had barely spoken before, after all, and when they had it had been about homework. She wanted to talk to her, but every time she did nonsense spewed out like a tidal wave, and she stumbled over simple sentences. Shel was nice about it though.

Last week, in geometry, she had the answer written down in front of her. She knew how she had figured it out, and Mr Harisson had called on her and she felt confident. Of course, Shel turned to face her. She was polite that way. And Piper fucked up. Fumbling over numbers, stuttering and creating a massive fool of herself. But Shel had smiled. Whether it had been at her, or her stupidity, Piper wasn't sure. Maybe it wasn't important.

She took a deep breath, tugged her braids nervously, and pushed her feet to move in the direction of a quickly disappearing Shel. They had the same class next anyway. Piper darted forwards, catching pace with Shel in a matter of seconds.

"Hey, Shel,"

"Oh, hi Piper!" Shel gave her a big smile, and Piper suddenly realized she had no plan, and it was too late to back down.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask you if I could sit with you at lunch today." The girl looked at her curiously, but shrugged, smiling again.

"Of course! Hey, did we have chemistry homework? I really can't remember." Piper barely heard her question. She doesn't mind me sitting with her. She doesn't mind me sitting with her. She doesn't mind-

"Oh, I'm not sure. I think so?"

"Thanks," By the gods, Shel was so pretty. Piper wondered how she managed to get her hair to curl like that, and how it stayed through the full day.

"Piper," she snapped her mind back to the present, and realized Shel looked almost nervous. "Do- do you want to come to my house? On Friday. After school. If you don't want to, that's fine too but-"

Fireworks exploded in her brain. "Yes! I mean, yeah, yeah, if you- yeah."

"Great! That's great!" Shel was looking at her, and then at the ground, and then at her again. Piper could have combusted right then and there. Her hands itched to throw themselves in the air and flap hard enough to lift off from the ground. She wanted to cartwheel down the hall and dance through the school, screaming at the top of her lungs. But she didn't. Instead, she bit her lip to prevent her smile from quite literally splitting her face.

Later, in World History, she barely listened to the teacher at all. Piper admired Shel's soft curls, wishing she could touch them. A few times, Shel glanced backwards, catching her eyes. The only thoughts that went through her head were about Shel, and the fact that Friday was mere days away.

im alive!!!! surprise!!!

lesbians for the 1st of october because thats the month we fell in love in fr

my biggest sorries if piper is sort of ooc in this one im projecting a liiiiiiittle too hard here

pjo oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora