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"This is nice, you know." Thalia said. Reyna turned to them.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Me and you. Marshmallows, the fire." Reyna thought for a moment.

"It is nice." she finally agreed. Thalia nodded, and took a bite of her marshmallow. They had burnt hers, but continued to eat it anyway. Reyna glanced down at her own marshmallow, lightly browned, still resting on the stick she had cooked it on.

They made a sound of delight, before speaking excitedly.

"It tastes so much better burnt, RARA. It's all crispy and on the inside it is literally melted. I'm doing it like this from now on." they slid her second marshmallow off the stick, and handed it to her.

Surprised, Reyna took the thing, and took a small bite. Gods, it was good.

"Good, right?" Thalia asked, beaming. In the firelight, Reyna could clearly see the freckles on their face, and the stark white scar across her left cheek.

She mumbled an incomprehensible answer around the rest of the marshmallow, which had somehow found its way into her mouth.

Laughing, Thalia leaned towards her and rested their head on her shoulder. Reyna took her hand, and they held on to it.

"Look how pretty the stars are," Thalia gushed. "I love being in nature. It's clean and unpolluted."

"Amen, sister." Reyna mumbled. She gave another sharp bark of laughter, before settling. The two of them sat in quietly for a few minutes, until Thalia broke the silence.

"I don't think I've ever been in love." they confessed. "Like, not love, love, ya know?"

She thought about Jason. She had loved him, but he had never really liked her the same way. They had been best friends, the first person he turned to with a barely concealed smile when a Lar said something funny, the first person she talked to about her dreams at night.

But maybe it didn't really matter that he didn't love her the way she had. Here she was, sitting next to his gorgeous older sister. It was funny, the two were nothing alike, neither in personality nor appearance, save their piercing blue eyes. But yet, she had still somehow managed to fall for both.

Holy shit. She was in love with Thalia. Dear gods, she was in love with Thalia Grace.

She glanced at the lieutenant, their hair ruffled and messy as always, the section dyed purple reflecting the firelight.

"Uh, yeah." She muttered finally, gaze flickering back to her hands. "You're so pretty." She hadn't meant to say that out loud. Reyna's eyes widened in panic, and snatched her hand out of Thalia's, jerking away frantically.

"I- oh gods. I didn't- I didn't mean to say that out loud-"

She was cut off by Thalia's laugh. "I think you're pretty too. Actually, scratch that. You are pretty. You're so pretty. You're fucking gorgeous. So fucking hot, I swear."

Dumbfounded. Absolutely, completely, slapped sharply across the face shocked.

"I like you, Reyna. I really, really, really really like you." Was this a trick? Was she actually serious?

"Really?" She looked up from the ground, into their sparkling blue eyes.

"Who wouldn't? You're kind, and sweet, and powerful, you could bench my weight without breaking a sweat, sweet Jesus you in armor, you're funny, and smart, and you're just so, so amazing. Reyna, I don't think I've ever liked anyone like you."

"I like you too. I like you so much."

Thalia was beaming, eyes alight with joy. Reyna imagined that she was doing the same. They pushed themself forward off the ground and toward Reyna, before stopping suddenly.

"You're okay with me kissing you?"

"Yes." Her voice was barely a breath, but Thalia caught it. They pulled her closer, hands on her jawline. Reyna flung her arms around their neck, and their lips met.

Dopamine flooded through her, making her feel lightheaded and giddy, but also burningly aware. Her senses heightened, and she felt every minuscule shift in Thalia's body, every sound the forest had to offer. This is what it felt like to be a god, she thought, how it felt to be in love with someone else who loved you back. 

pov you couldnt pull him but he has a super hot sister:

thalia uses they/she i dont make the rules

uhhhh i really like theyna lets pretend that the hunters dont care about lesbians bc thats more canon to the greek myths 👍

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