let them eat cake

85 1 15

Percy spooned the batter carefully into the cupcake molds, watching it settle. He picked up the tray in one hand and pulled open the oven door with the other, sliding the tray in with a loud clang.

Beside him, Annabeth stirred the icing, the thick sugary stuff folding into itself with each strong stroke of her arm.

"Well," he said. "Cupcakes are in the oven."

"I noticed." she responded drily. Smiling, he checked his watch.

"Yeah, we're still good on time."

"Percy, we see them tomorrow."

"Sure, but they need to bake and then we need to decorate and then put it in the fridge and-"

"By the gods, Seaweed Brain. It's barely even 4. Calm down."

- - - - - - -

He stood at the stove, pan in hand. The pancake sizzled on the heat, and in one swift movement he tossed it into the air. It landed back in the pan with a spit of oil. A moment later, he felt a figure walk into the room.

"Morning Wise Girl," Percy called, without turning.

"Happy birthday Percy. Damn, thirty already."

He laughed. "I know, right? Three decades, we are so good at not dying."

Annabeth snorted, and came up behind him, resting her chin on his shoulder. "You shouldn't have to cook."

"Who else will then? We meet up at 11. Don't wanna be hungry."

"I can cook." She mumbled.

"Wise Girl, I love you to death, but you can't cook for shit."

Scoffing, she pulled herself off him and sat down at the table as Percy ladled more batter into the pan. After another minute or two, he tipped the last pancake onto the plate and precariously carried the stack over to the table.

Annabeth leaned over and kissed his cheek and thanked him as he picked up a pancake into his plate. They were blue, like they were every August 18.

- - - - - - -

They all sat in a circle in the grass, each holding a heavily frosted cupcake. Tyson on his left, Annabeth on his right with Thalia on her right and Nico on Tyson's left. Not too far away, Percy could see the Empire State Building, lit up blue.

"Well this is nice." Thalia mumbled around a mouthful of cupcake.

"This is nice." Nico agreed. "Can you believe it, 14 years ago we were nearly dying on this grass." Tyson gave a sound of delight, he must have found the peanut butter. The cyclops held the cake-sized-cupcake in his hands, his eye wide in happiness, a huge grin splitting across his face.

"You put peanut butter?" he asked. Percy nodded, smiling as well. Tyson beamed, taking another massive bite. "Thank you big brother."

He placed a hand on Tyson's arm. "Of course."

"Soft bitches." Thalia grumbled, but Percy could see that they were suppressing a smile. "Anyways," she continued. "You're officially, legally 30 years old. What're you gonna do with your life now, old man?"

Percy scoffed. "If 30 is old, you're a senior citizen."

"Uh, I'm forever 15. Never getting old."

"And you forever act like it."

Thalia shook their head. "Cry about it. But seriously, plans?"

He shrugged. "Go with the flow."

Nico rolled his eyes. "He has no plans."

"Knew it! You owe me." Thalia pumped her fist.

"Fuck you Percy. I had faith."

Annabeth leaned over and patted Nico's shoulder comfortingly. "Speaking of plans, you guys still down to do the macarena over Asshole Supreme's grave?"

"Disrespecting the dead every year on my birthday." Percy grumbled, but he couldn't hide his smile.

Tyson, who had been silent throughout the whole exchange, nodded his head enthusiastically. "Macarena!"

"Hell yeah! Happy birthday horse shit!" Thalia cheered. Nico joined her, and Annabeth, laughing, lifted her cupcake in a toast.

"Happy birthday Percy."

As they all stood to go, a chorus rang in Percy's head like a chant. I've survived! I've survived! I've survived!

Happy birthday to him indeed.


hes 30 now ;-;

guess whos grave they'll be dancing on 🤭

not a really long one but eh happy 18th <3

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