coffee cleanses the soul

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Jason climbed the senate steps, carefully balancing a paper cup in each hand, a blueberry muffin tucked between his forearm and chest. He stumbled, and cursed at the stone stairs. Moving at a slightly quicker pace, he tripped again, and cursed louder at the ground. Giving up, he summoned a gust of wind and lifted himself off the floor, floating to the top of the steps.

He huffed, and pushed open the giant, heavy door with his body. Slipping inside, he caught the eye of Reyna, his best friend. She sent him a face of annoyance, followed by a smile. Jason strolled casually to the table where she sat, listening to a Lar, Stanislas Lupus, drone on and on about the viaduct and the river and the bridge and the barracks and the lack of discipline in the soldiers and yada yada yada.

"Praetor Jason Grace!" Stanislas barked. "You're late! Again!"

He fought back a snicker, and composed himself. "Sorry, sir."

"You should be! Now sit down."

Setting down the cups, he slid into his seat. "Muffin for you." he whispered, handing Reyna the muffin.

"Fashionably late as always. Thanks, Jay."

Jason scoffed and flicked her arm affectionately before passing over her hot chocolate as well. He took a long sip of his coffee, leaning back into his seat. After a minute, Reyna spoke again.

"What d'you wanna do later?"

"After Stan shuts the hell up? Let's go to the treehouse on the hill in the Garden of Bacchus."

The treehouse wasn't really a treehouse, more of a platform they had built ten feet off the ground. Reyna bit back her smile and turned her gaze back to the present speaker, who was some other Lar that Jason couldn't make out.

"-Believe that the issue could be resolved if we just inserted a massive stick into the hole-"

At that, Jason glanced at Reyna, mouth determinedly zipped. She returned his look, her lips desperately trying to contain her giggle. A choking sound slipped from his mouth, and laughter spewed out from Reyna's.

"Praetors!" Stanislas yelled. "Is something funny?" but Jason was laughing too hard to respond and Reyna was heaving for breath.

"Praetors!" he yelled again, and Jason burst into another fit of giggles, witn Reyna following swiftly after.

Stanislas waited until they finished, impatience written all over his face. "Would you like to share what is so funny?"

Coughing, Jason barely made out a strangled sound.

"No," Reyna said, taking over for him. "There's nothing funny. Please continue." Stanislas glared at them, before gesturing for the speaker to continue.

"I'm buying us sandwiches once this is over." she whispered.

"Thanks Reyrey."

"Stop laughing."

"I'm not laughing!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

jason is bad at stairs its canon cuz i said so

platonic jeyna <3333

they have the humor of literal infants deal with it

jason is a starbucks girl okay rick told me himself

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