northern plains pt. ii

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The two of them sat in the small pit that they had dug out earlier, using the snow that was previously in said pit to make tall walls around them. Frank had been smart to remember to leave a bit open so they would be able to leave if they wanted to. A small fire crackled in front of them, lit by Frank's fire setting skills and the sticks and leaves that Hazel had scavenged earlier. There was another pile of other flammable things beside them, to keep the fire going once it started to go out.

She had collected several branches worth of pine needles as well, which she and Frank ate. It was good for you, supposedly. If they died the next day, she was blaming Bear Grylls.

Hazel could see the sky even from under the trees, the blackness of the night, and the bright pinpricks that were stars. The air was colder than it had been earlier, but with the shelter and the fire, it was more bearable.

The situation was less than ideal as well, but she didn't really mind too much, somehow. Because Frank was with her, and in no time they would find a way back home. But mostly because Frank was with her. She didn't think she would have made it here if he hadn't. Hazel probably would have just sat there and given up, maybe going to sleep and dying of frostbite in some random ditch in wherever.

She curled up against him, and she felt him put an arm around her shoulders.

"Go to sleep, Hazel. Get some rest."

"Wake me later, you need to sleep too." she mumbled.

"Of course I will." he promised, but her eyes were already closed. 

its short but i felt like it deserved a follow-up so here we are. do they ever get out of the north pole? yes. when and how? we'll never know. 

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