"Why would you say that?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"I need another bottle of wine," Finn said, "There's no way I'm going to survive this sober."

"Alex is aware of how hurt you are, Draco," Kevin said, "And I know that it hurts him more than it hurts you to treat you this way. It hurts me to see you like this too. You're one of the smartest people I've ever met. You're handsome. You're funny. You make things better. You make my life better. You are wonderful!"

"I am?" Draco asked and Kevin nodded shyly.

"Yeah." Kevin blushed a little, "My life was never a fairy tale, Draco, but every time I felt like the world was cruel, I blew my ears off with your music and it was all worth it again. Life was worth living every time I heard you sing. You saved my life."

"Okay. Thanks, Kevin. That makes me feel... Pretty good." And there he was, the smiling and cheerful Draco from before, "I'm glad I was able to save you even though I didn't know you."

Kevin smiled at him and then glanced at Zeth, who winked.

Even Everett gave him a thumbs up.

"But I don't understand, of all boys, why me?" Draco scratched his head, "People always say that I'm cute but short and that's a no, they say that I'm funny but surely unbearable to live with, that I'm..."

"That never mattered to me," Kevin replied quickly, "Ever since I saw you on YouTube singing covers with Zeth, you became my favourite person, and I couldn't imagine living any different after that. Your music means so much to me. Your humour is the best part of your personality and you're sexy and kind."

"Thank you," Draco mumbled, blushing, "I... I guess I have to admit that I was jealous of you. You are taller and handsome and nice and I... I am a disaster."

"You're a beautiful disaster," Kevin replied softly, "I think all Alex needs is to talk about his problems with someone, with you, and everything will be resolved. But the boy is tough, his walls won't come down easily, but I know he'll open up to you," He paused.

"I think you, Alex and I should talk. It will be easier if you are there too," Draco murmured.

"I won't leave you alone." Kevin reached out and held Draco's hand across the table, "And if I'm honest, Alex won't stop talking about you when we're alone."

"Are you going to kiss yet?" Everett asked, and Zeth and Finn face palmed at the same time.

"No, but I think Zeth is right about something," Kevin said, releasing Draco's hand, "We need to talk things over, and we need to talk to Alex about this asap."

"Alex loves you, Kevin," Draco sighed and Kevin looked very surprised, "He's just... Not sure of himself yet."

"Alex wants to date you, Kevs," Finn continued, "But maybe he needs to wait until he gets his shit together before he asks you or Draco out. Maybe going to talk to him right now is not a good idea."

"Alex just wants to protect Draco and the friendship he has with him," Kevin replied firmly, "We have to make him see that it won't work."

"If his idea of ​​protecting friendship is to completely ruin it, he is dumb." Everett said matter-of-factly,

"The big guy is right," Zeth whispered, looking around. The entire restaurant had that aura of armed peace, there was something that wasn't right. The waiters who were here when they arrived were no longer around, the doors had already been closed, and those whispers in the kitchen... No. Something wasn't right. "But we need to go to the suite and talk to Alex."

"I will ask waiter for bill," Everett growled, "But if Alex gets stubborn, I'll beat him up."

"It's fine," Kevin squeezed Everett's shoulder lightly, "I think Alex is mature enough to talk."

"But is it wrong if I give you a chance, Kevin?" Draco asked and everyone at the table turned to look at him wide-eyed, "I don't want you to suffer rejection like I have suffered for a year."

"I don't want you to feel pressured into anything, Draco. I don't want you to be with me out of pity," Kevin admitted, and inside he was screaming with excitement, even though he knew this wasn't the right way, "I want us to be friends and I want Alex to stop being an ass."

"So..." Draco rubbed his own arm, "Is there any chance we can start over?"

"I would never say no to that." Kevin replied automatically and then bit his tongue. Damnit! Why did he have to be so fucking stupid? Draco had just offered him what he had always wanted! And he said no!

"So you're not going to kiss?" Everett insisted and Kevin laughed.

"Of course I'm not going to kiss him!" Kevin slapped Everett's stone-hard bicep playfully, "You say very weird things sometimes, big guy!"

"Good." Finn said, rubbing his palms together, "Now let's finish our drinks so we can get back to the suit before the waiters kick us out."

"Hold up," Zeth's phone buzzed, "Oh! Speaking of the devil! Alex sent me a text. Weird. Doesn't he know what an audio is?!"

But upon checking it, his eyes widened.

"What did he send you?" Draco asked, "Don't tell me he made a mistake again and sent you instead of Jade a photo without a shirt on again?"

"We gotta go," Zeth slowly turned his head, raising an eyebrow when he saw one of the waiters looking at them in a way that was, to say the least, strange. "Guys," Zeth said, turning to look at everyone at the table, "These aren't waiters."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now