"We’ll worry about Mr. Silent Feet later. We don't want the vampire to sink his teeth into Kevin, do we?" Zeth sighed, with one hand on his waist and the other scratching the back of his neck.

"If you know Draco hates Kevin," Finn clenched his fists and looked up at Everett, as absent as ever, "Why the hell did you leave them alone?"

"I felt uncomfortable," Everett replied, "I panicked."

"We'll finish this conversation later, Finn," Zeth muttered as he walked into the restaurant.

Finn sighed and turned back to look at the garden, and soon, Everett was by his side, chewing with his mouth open as always, ruining Finn's inner peace.

"We need to make Alex and Draco friends again," Everett said, and Finn looked up. Everett was looking at him, intensely as always, with his blue eyes penetrating his soul as he took another huge bite of his garlic bread, "There is much hate between them."

"I don't think Alex wants to talk to Draco again, not offstage," Finn shook his head, "Not everything has to work out between them, Everett. They've changed in the past year. They're not close anymore."

"They are not," Everett replied, "But they are not enemies either. Draco is jealous of Kevin, and Kevin loves Draco, and Draco loves Alex, and I think Alex loves Kevin. It's all very complicated. I get dizzy."

"I hope it's all over someday," Finn mumbled, "I do not understand this. We're supposed to be able to be with whoever we want in the group without problems, but Alex... I guess he doesn't love Draco," Finn sighed, "Or maybe he loves him and just doesn't want to ruin their friendship."

"Friendship is already ruined," Everett replied with his mouth full.

"Yeah, and I'm tired of them fighting."

"We must make Alex and Draco and Kevin work. Or Monster Mash ends," Everett put his heavy arm around Finn.

“I'm too tired to think," Finn whispered.

"So am I." Everett replied before walking away with Finn following him. But there was a noise, a slight grunt in the air, and when Finn turned. He was sure he saw a bush moving on its own.

"That's weird.”

When they entered the restaurant, they found Draco at the booth closest to the window with his knees on the seat, watching the stars with his hands on his pretty cheeks, and Kevin at the table talking to Zeth.

"I'll be with you in a moment, big guy," Finn told Everett, who grunted a little and walked over to the table with Kevin and Zeth.

Draco was lost in the stars when his ears moved.

"You know it's really hard to surprise me, right?" Draco looked over his shoulder as Finn sat next to him, then looked out the window too.

"How are you doing?" Finn asked.

"It hurts me to know that Alex loves Kevin, and that he also loves me but is afraid of ruining our friendship."

"As Everett said," Finn sighed as Draco sat down properly next to him, crossing his arms, "Your friendship with him is already ruined. We need to talk."

"About what exactly?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"You told me about a lot of things," Finn began, resting his elbows on the table, "What I didn't expect was that you had a problem with Kevin. Draco, you are adorable, and you have never been rude to anyone. Why with Kevin?"

"Because it's his fault that Alex hates me,"  Draco shrugged, evading Finn’s gaze, "I don't exactly feel comfortable with him being so close to my..."

"Your Alex?" Finn patted on Draco's thigh, "Or you mean your not-boyfriend?"

"I don't understand why Alex rejected me by saying that our friendship was at stake if it was going to be ruined anyway," Draco pouted.

"Because of the pheromone effect," Finn sighed, scratching his brow, "Because it affects you the same way Jade affects me. Maybe Alex is trying to keep you away so he can stop influencing you and regain your friendship?"

"No!" Draco shook his head furiously, throwing his arms up, "It's not possible! He could do that and be nice! But he's been an absolute ass to me for a whole year!"

"Well, that's just him," Finn shrugged, "Maybe you should talk to him about it. You two were good friends."

"I don't think he even remembers us being friends," Draco frowned.

"He does, he must remember, right?" Finn looked at Draco with hopeful eyes, but the vampire simply grunted and rubbed his temples, "I'm sure if you talk to him nicely, you guys will get along better. Maybe that's why he's acting this way. You two seemed so close once upon a time, and I don't know, sometimes it seems to me that he wants to protect you from himself. Maybe because of your... Addiction?"

"I don't think Alex and I were ever friends or close." Draco replied, "I think, if we had been, I would understand why he became so cruel towards me. So that's why I hate Kevin and want him to leave the band, or else, I'll leave! Period."

"And do you think that's something that the sweet and adorable Draco we all love would do? Being rude to Kevin? Leaving the band because... Jealous? Does that seem fair to you? Are you listening to yourself? You're not yourself, Draco. Do you think you're going to solve something by throwing a tantrum?"

"No, of course not," Draco looked down, "But I don't like Kevin, period."

“And I don't like this Draco who's speaking out of anger and not reason," Finn frowned, "But you know something? We are a family, and we are going to solve this together, as we have always faced problems, do you understand?"

And there it was again, Draco's puppy eyes.

“Thank you, Finn,” out of nowhere, Draco threw himself at Finn, giving him the warmest, tightest hug anyone had ever given him. Finn was paralyzed, not knowing what to do, so he hugged Draco back, as strong and warm as he always wanted to hug someone in his life, perhaps a younger brother, even though Draco was thousands of years older than him.

"That's what family is for, little Animaniac," Finn held Draco tighter in his arms, and a tear escaped his eye, "A family always solves everything together."

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