He guided her to a table on one of the three balconies that overlooked the rose garden. The moonlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, casting shadows of their branches across the floor. The only sound was the soft chirping of crickets in the background as the violins continued to play. The wind from this beach city was warm, a little humid, but perfect.

Frank opened the chair for her, and she sat down, then he took his place beside her. A waiter arrived and asked them what they wanted to drink. Jade asked for some wine, Frank ordered a soda, and the waiter left.

"Frank, I'm..." Jade wanted to say so many things, but a warm smile from her boyfriend made her forget everything, absolutely everything she was going to say, "I... I'm very surprised that you did all this just for me."

"You're worth so much more than this, Jade," Frank replied, "And I want you to know that I will give you everything in this world, that I feel something special for you, and that I want to make you very happy."

"Frank, every time I'm with you, when we talk on the phone or whenever I see you, my heart goes boom, boom, boom," she blushed.

"From the moment I saw you at the Darktide Hotel, I don't know, I think I knew you were the one for me, Jade," Frank blushed even redder than her.

"I never thought that way, not at the time," Jade whispered, and Frank raised his bushy eyebrows, in a good way, "But when I was alone with you in your workshop, when I repaired your hand, that's when I knew... Don't know."

"I know what you mean," Frank seemed very interested in knowing, and he was blinking too fast, and those eyes? Although one was artificial, there was nothing artificial about them.

"I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, Frank," she replied with all the sincerity she could fit into her body, with every cell of her being and even the ones she didn't have.

Jade's mind was full of silly fantasies about living a Sitcom life with Frank, and she imagined an entire future with him, living happily in the suburbs, with nice neighbours and the other Monster Mash guys living under the same roof and...

"Where were you, Draco?" Zeth's voice made her turn. They were in a booth. Finn, Zeth, Everett and Kevin. Draco was just arriving, fortunately with clean hands.

"I went to wash my hands," Draco said and then he jumped and fell onto the red seat with a laugh.

"You were being nosy," Everett replied.

"Don't you think Jade and Frank look perfect together?" Kevin put his hands on his cheeks, looking at the couple of the year, "I'd like to have something like that someday."

"I once had something similar," Zeth said quietly, but Jade's hearing was already very fine so she could hear him, "With a Felina too."

"You never told us that," Kevin said, cocking his head, "Come on! Tell us!"

"My past is already behind me, I've been escaping from it for a long time," Zeth sounded upset, almost sad, "Anyway, we're not here to talk about my love life. We promised Frank that we wouldn't be a bother if he let us stay here, and we won't be, so keep your voices down and don't bother Jade, or Frank."

Jade didn't know what to think about what she had just heard, so she sighed and looked Frank straight in the eyes.

"I thought they'd be sitting, you know, further away." Jade said and Frank seemed to notice her slight discomfort, so he tried to stand up but she waved him off to sit back down.

"Sorry. I can tell them to leave," Frank said, but Jade shook her head.

"No, it's okay. I like having you all around. They are like your family, Frank. I want to learn to live with all of you."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon