"You've known them for longer than I have," replied Jade, frowning slightly. "You know them better than me, but it still seems unfair. You should be the one to take this quiz."

"It's not fair at all because yes, I know them better than you," replied Evangeline with a chuckle, "But you are their girlfriend, the girl that now all girls want to be, the idol of millions just for being you.”

“And it doesn't bother you that you didn't go on tour with them just to stay and train me?" Jade asked and her best friend waved her hand as if she didn't care at all.

“I've been around the world many times for the wrong reasons. It was good to stay in one place and be your mentor," Evangeline replied with a smile, "Also, I left the boys in good hands, an old friend who is as good as I am. Believe me, it’s okay. Now go out there and beat Melody to the ground." She smiled at Jade, patting the top of her head before she exited the dressing room, “I'll be in the audience if you need anything." And then she closed the door behind herself.

Jade stared back into the mirror again and sighed, getting up from the chair. Those fitted faux leather pants and stiletto boots were so familiar to her now that she sometimes wondered how she ever lived without them.

In no time, Jade walked down the hall that led to the stage area outside.

"You know them better than anyone," Jade said to herself, her confidence cracking with every step. There was hubbub, people cheering, game show music.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the golden girl, the lucky one, the unmatched girlfriend of Monster Mash." the host of the show said, pointing at the hallway Jade came out of.

She waved just the way Zeth had taught her, like a doll, illuminated by a spotlight among the darkness of this black and red studio.

There was applause, but she expected no less.

"Here she is!” the host announced, “Jade Steinfield Peterson!"

“You can do this," Jade told herself, "You can do anything you want to."

Jade bit her lip and walked up to her place behind a small podium, similar to the one she stood at during the graduation speech. She had gone from being nobody to being chosen to encourage the graduates, and it was not just because she was the girlfriend of an entire boyband, but because of her change in attitude, style, and even body.

Now, she was an idol.

Some fans had even sent her gifts like perfume, cosmetics, and jewellery, while others had threatened her, but Draco and Finn had taught her one thing: never care about what other people think.

"It's nice to see you," said the scarlet-haired girl at the other podium, Melody O'Pry, elegant like her mother in a black dress printed with piano keys on the sleeves. "That animal print looks good on you."

"Thanks..." muttered Jade, trying to avoid meeting her gaze, hiding behind a curtain of her black and blonde hair.

Melody looked her up and down and Jade was sure she let out a soft grunt.

This thing about not caring what others thought of her was harder than it seemed.

She hadn't seen Melody since last year.

Yet it seemed like Melody held no grudge against her.

The show was about to begin, and it looked like it would be a friendly competition.

But Jade knew it was all a façade.

“Welcome to this edition of The Impossible Quiz, which will be all about the Boyband: Monster Mash,” said Raphael McPierce, a handsome host with years of experience dressed in a suit and tie. He was short, very elegant and had a thin, small nose. He looked a bit like Mr. Louis Prechaun who lived in the rainbow tower of Lyonfort, a good man who helped Jade with her economics homework a couple of times. “For those who have lived under a rock and don't know them, Monster Mash consists of the sweet Frank Rubinstein, the overactive Draco Von Stroker, the sensual Alycandro Alfaro, the optimistic Finn Seamons, the band leader Zeth Rahman, the mysterious Everett Frostakov, and their newest member: Kevin Visbal. They rose to fame after singing covers on their official YouTube channel, and what started as a duet became one of the most influential and famous boy bands in the world! They are also known for their strong vocals, signature harmonies, and are ranked as one of the best vocal groups. From their award-winning music, their sold-out concerts all over the world, to inspiring the next generation, Monster Mash has been a massive part of the music industry, and long may that continue!”

"They're so talented!" Melody exclaimed, and the entire audience cheered and applauded. The scarlet-haired girl turned and raised her hands to ask for more noise. "Just look at that, Raphael!"

"Certainly, the boys have some of the most loyal, dedicated fans that the world has ever seen," Raphael said amidst the cheers. "For those who don't know, their fans are known as Mashers."

"We, the Mashers, are the best," Melody said, tossing her hair behind her shoulder like a diva. "Not trying to brag, but we cast three hundred and fifty million votes to ensure that the group won their Billboard award. We also watched the video for the song 'The Place I Came From' fifty-one million times on YouTube in just one month!"

"But why are they so popular?" Raphael asked.

"It's pretty simple.” Melody said with a chuckle, “They are very talented! They're simply making the music that people want to listen to. With their slick dance routines and extremely impressive music videos, they've taken over the world!"

"Well, let's not wait any longer!" Raphael said. "Let's start with this show! Everyone! Welcome to 'The Impossible Quiz' Monster Mash edition!" The live audience applauded, even Evangeline was clapping elegantly in the front row with her legs crossed, "Before we start, we would like to welcome both of you," said Raphael McPierce. He stood with his hands on the cards the production had given him, behind a red panel shaped like a question mark. "Jade, I heard you and Miss O'Pry are friends! It's good to know that because today, the winner will have a lot of money to contribute to her charity." The host turned to look at one of the cameras. "For every correct answer, we will donate a thousand dollars either to the ‘Huellitas’ charity that Jade has chosen to help animal shelters in Mexico or the ‘Music For Everyone’ charity that Miss O'Pry chose to pay for musical studies for the underprivileged."

The audience applauded loudly, and Jade slouched a little but remembered that Evangeline always told her to stand up straight, so she moved her shoulders back.

"So... Let's get started!" Raphael said, and the spotlights in this dark place moved to the sound of a dramatic song until the lights fell upon Jade and Melody.

Jade was nervous to death.

She couldn't fail this, no matter what.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now