Chapter 19

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Counting seconds.Slowly growing insane.Henry was the only thing,that kept Y/n sane.All the deaths she's seen.She found a clock in Peter's tent while lurking in his stuff.But what good does a clock do at a place,where time stands still?

Sitting on a log,that's what she does all day long.Nothing else to do,really.As the days go by,she realizes,that no place is more precious and happy than home.Now she understands the meaning of the quote "Home,sweet home."

Today was not any different from the others.Or that was what she thought anyway.

Peter suddenly appeared in front of her."You let them go.They slipped out of my hands too easily."

Y/n just smirked at his words.How convenient.

Peter pursed his lips and grabbed her face up so she would be forced to look at him and knelt down to her,"Don't you smirk at me.This is your fault.You made them leave without my permission."he gritted his teeth,"You broke the rules.Do you know what happens to people who break the rules?"

He let go of his grip on her chin and simply said,"Go to your cage."

Y/n was in a cage once again.She had gotten used to it.It's not comfortable but she could live with it for a while.

But she couldn't stay on Neverland.If this is her everyday life,she'll die.That's for sure.Either by Peter's hand,either she'll just grow insane.Easy.

So she had to think of a plan."Think,Y/n,think."she said to herself.After about what seemed like 2 hours,the plan was set.No,I'm not telling you yet.Just wait and see.

This time,Peter ordered one Lost Boy to guard the cage Y/n was in.He was dirty and seemed like half-asleep,but actually,he was all ears.

Y/n reached to him and tapped on his muddy shoulder,"Hey."she whispered.

"I am not aloud to talk to prisoners."he said not even looking at her,just guarding her.

"I want to offer you something."she whispered again,explaining.

He waited,looked around and leaned to her a bit,"What?"

"How does Peter treat you all?He yells,beats you up. Wouldn't you just leave?"she asked.

"Peter is our family.He is the only thing we need."he frowned even more than before.

"Is that what he's told you all these years?That's a lie.You all are free.The only thing keeping you on this bloody island is Peter Pan."she paused,"I could get you out of here."she explained.

"Impossible.Peter Pan sees,hears and knows everything that happens on Neverland."he looked around and went back in position.

"But what if.."she lowered her voice and hushed it,"What if I told you,I have a way?"she looked at him.

The boy glanced at her,looked around for safety,and turned to her,"How?"

Y/n smiled and gave him a letter.The plan was all on there.Y/n started talking again,"So first question,where do I find a magic bean?"

The boy thought for a while."I don't know if I can trust you.What if you just leave me here for sudden death?"

"I swear to the Gods above,I won't."she whispered and swore.

"Don't tell anyone okay?But I've got one."he looked at her.

Y/n's eyes widened,"You do?!How?!"

"That doesn't matter.What matters now is that I have one."he smirked.

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