Chapter 17

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Never disobeyed the rules.Never thought she could be worse.Never thought she could kill.

Finally disobeyed the rules.Now she knows she could be worse.Always knew she could kill.

Sitting here,red eyes,heavy breath,she waits for something,someone maybe.It felt like forever,but no one looked,talked or even sat with her.

After some time,Henry went straight to her and sat down,"Hey."he said quietly.

Y/n was looking in the flames of the fire,she murmured,"You're afraid of me.Of who I am,who I will be."

Henry hugged her,"I'm not."

"Yes.You are!"she turned her head to him,"Don't lie.You know I hate liars."

Henry stayed silent.And that's what Y/n was afraid of.She pushed Henry away,so he wouldn't hug her,"I don't want to be the person you're afraid of.I don't want to be the person,who has others looking away from shame.I don't want to be the person,you have to get away from."she was tearing up,"And you know what's the saddest part?I can't change."

Henry interrupted her,"I'm sure you can."

Y/n sadly shook her head,"I tried and tried."she looked at the fire,"Some people can't change."

"Y/n I~"he started,but Peter cut him off.

"We have company."he shouted and brought in Regina,Emma,Snow,David,Neal and Killian,"This is perfect."

"Why exactly?"Y/n asked in confusion and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because of the sacrifice you're willing to make."he smirked.

"Sacrifice?"Emma asked.

"Sacrifice?"Y/n asked too,"What the hell do you mean by that?"she looked puzzled.

"You want to be the part of the island again, right?Then you'll have to do a sacrifice."Peter explained.

"All I want,is to go home and live my life without you destroying it."Y/n growled.

Peter's smirk grew wider,"Too late for that.But first,"he said and snapped his fingers.A leather bracelet appeared on Y/n's wrist.She tried to pull it off,but it wouldn't this time.

Peter smiled,"Who should you sacrifice.."he walked from one to another,he stopped at Regina and smirked.He put a finger to her chin,"How about this one."

"Don't touch her!!"Y/n yelled and tried to run at him,but two Lost Boys grabbed her hands,one of them was Felix.He growled in her ear,"Stay still."

" love her..How sad."he smirked and yelled,"Take them to The Cliff!"

"Wait,no!!"she yelled desperately,"I'll do anything,please!"she yelled as the two Lost Boys dragged her to The Cliff.

"Let me go,my daughter's calling!"Neal yelled at The Lost Boys.But they didn't listen.Just made their way to the place,Peter told them to.

"Y/n,do you hear me?Everything's going to be okay.I promise."Regina promised.

But Y/n still cried all the way to the place where she is going to lose her mother.Yes,her mother.

When they finally arrived,Y/n could hear the waves hitting against the rocks at the bottom of The Cliff.She shivered,from the fear of losing another dear person.

"Just how do I kill her?"she was curious,but her voice broke at the end of the sentence.

"See that cliff?At the end of it,there are mermaids.Either stab her in the heart with this."he gave her a dagger,"Or make her jump into the sea.And let the mermaids do the rest."he grinned widely.

"And what if I won't?"she raised her chin a bit.

"There is no other choice.The decision is made.We already talked to the island.You have to do it."he explained.

Y/n leaned her face close to his and whispered,"I hate you."with a broken voice.

He just sighed,"Everyone does."

Y/n growled,"Not as much as me."and pulled back.She looked at her mother,who was now standing on the end of the cliff.Y/n slowly walked to her crying.

Regina smiled at her daughter and encouraged her,"Just remember,honey.No matter what you do,I love you."

"I don't want you to die."Y/n shook her head slowly and stopped.

Regina looked at Y/n for a minute,then looked at the bottom of the cliff,"Then I'll have to do it by myself."she looked at Y/n once more and took a step backwards.

"No,mommy,stop!!"Y/n cried.And Regina stopped for a minute.

She explained,"Honey,I have to die,or you'll die instead.I have no choice."

Y/n spoke with a broken voice,"You always have a choice."

Regina took another step backwards to the cliff and Y/n screamed again,"Mommy don't!!"and Regina stopped again,Y/n ran to her mother,hugged her like it was the end of the world and whispered,"We can still have a happy ending."

Regina smiled and pulled away,"Oh,sweetie..But I'm a villain.And villains don't get happy endings."and with that,she just took her last step backwards and fell into the sea.

"NO!!"Y/n fell on the ground and watched over the cliff how her mother fell into the sea.And after a couple seconds,the place where Regina fell turned red.Who knew what horrifying things the mermaids did to her.

Y/n was shocked.She slowly put her shaky hand up to her opened mouth so her sobbing would hush.Soon after,she cried hard and everyone heard it.

Snow came to her and picked her up,she hugged Y/n from behind and whispered,"It's gonna be okay."

But Y/n shook her head,"I wanna jump in."she sobbed and tried to escape Snow's hug.But Snow turned her around and explained,"Y/n,we've already lost Wendy and Regina,we're not losing you too!"

Y/n hugged Snow and cried into her shoulder. Her mother is gone.Regina is gone.There's no way to bring her back.Then Y/n realized.I didn't tell her I love her..I didn't even say goodbye..

"Why do I have to be so horrible?!"Y/n cried into Snow's shoulder.

Do you ever get the feeling that your mother can die at any second?Y/n didn't.
Do you ever just think and run to your mother and tell her you love her?She didn't.
Why can't people appreciate that they have mothers?Why can't they just feel the connection and never let it go?Y/n and her mother were too close for Regina to die.But she did.How will Y/n live now?

"Even if she wasn't my real mom..She felt real to me."Y/n whispered,"Why couldn't I tell her I love her?"

"You were in shock.It's normal."Snow calmed her.

"But I won't see her again."

Snow stayed silent and for a second,Y/n thought that the whole world stopped.Maybe it did.No one knew.But the thing they did know,was that a young girl had just lost her mother and she was standing in front of them.Broken as broken a glass heart can be.

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