Chapter 15

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Regina looked worried.More than worried,she looked like she was in panic.Y/n woke up to the sound of Regina yelling.

"Get out of my house!"she yelled and Y/n saw Emma.She looked at Y/n and turned around smashing the door behind her.

As Y/n saw,Mr.Gold was there too."You're a wreck of problems,you know that?"he said.

"Well,I'm sorry,but I was worried about my child!"she defended herself.

"She went back again,didn't she."he started.

Regina was looking down at her hands,"Of course,she went back,she's six!"she paused,"She wouldn't come back.Pan is slowly getting her on his side.I yelled and shook her,but she wouldn't come back."

"Neverland is a place that runs on imagination.If she imagines staying there,trust me..she will."he explained.

"How do I get this to stop?"she asked.Mr.Gold looked down at his hands.That made Regina suspicious.

"You know something."she said.

"Look,even if I tell you,it won't help you stop anything."he tried to convince her.

"Or maybe it will.Tell me."she demanded.Gold remained silent."For the sake of my child,I demand you to tell me!"she yelled.

"Fine."he said,"You want the truth?I'll give you the truth."

Regina waited.Finally Mr.Gold spoke,"You can't stop her.Not now,not ever."

"And the reason,why?"she asked.

"Because her imagination,beats any child's on Earth."he started,"You see,in her last life,she was something more.Something more to everyone.She was a legend."he told Regina.

"A legend?Like me and everyone else?"she asked.

"Precisely.She was in my papa's place."he paused,"She was the founder of Neverland."

"The founder of what?!"she asked.

"Neverland,deary.Neverland."he repeated.

"You must me joking."she calmed herself.

"Oh,but I'm not."he smirked,"You see,when my papa first came to Neverland,he was just a child.Fourteen or so.Y/n showed him around the island.And basically,that was Peter Pan's story in books.Only Y/n was Peter Pan and my papa was Wendy."he looked at Regina for a moment and saw that Regina was listening very deeply.

"Y/n was a good girl.Just like Wendy,but more..adventurous.She actually made the group of The Lost Boys.And when she saw,that my papa was taking over,she decided to let him go home.Oh but do you think he wanted to go home?"

"Well,he was a child so I guess not."Regina answered.

"Yes.He was a child.But he was prepared for that day.He shot an arrow to Y/n,but she caught it.He asked her,how did she do it.Oh and I like this part."he smirked,"She answered 'Magic' and burned the arrow in her hand."he reached out his right hand with his palm up and closed it,"She sent her shadow to take my papa home.And when he took me to Neverland,he knew that Y/n was gone."

"Why was she gone?"Regina was confused.

"Just listen.One day,my papa was gone for a long time.I waited for him for 4 hours.What I didn't know,was that in those 4 hours,he killed her.He shot an arrow at her again.She caught it,but it cut her skin.That arrow,was steeped in..well,I think you know what it was steeped in.."he looked down at his hands.

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