Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:Me.

Hey.The name's (y/n).I'm just an ordinary girl,that lives in a town called Storybrooke.Well..that's what you'd say by my appearance.

Actually,I'm a lot more fun than you think.Yeah,I live in Storybrooke,but my mother is Regina,or as you call her "The Evil Queen" and I have magic.Well,a bit of it.I'm still training to use it.

I'm sixteen and the last you'll see me everyday,is at my home,reading a book.Though people would like to be my friends,I never let them.Yeah,I guess I have to change a bit.

I have never met my real dad,but I'm okay with it.You all probably know Henry.He's my step-brother.His biological mom is Emma,though my mom raised him like her own child,she feels like Henry's her child.But actually I am!But me and Henry have so much memories together.I lived my whole life with magic and him.

This story will be about love,hate and thrilling adventure.That's why I'm here.To tell you the story from the top and until the end.

My story begins in Storybrooke.I was eating in the cafe.

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