Update on idfk

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I left my acc alone for a few months or smth like that. I check my notifications...... TENTUSSY!? REALLY!? 😭 ITS LIKE ALMOST 8. I AM TIRED CUZ SCHOOL SUCKS AND THEN I SEE ALL OF THE NEW COMMENTS 💀 God I love feeding mentally ill children with unrestricted internet access. I should get payed. Anyway how r y'all doing I just got my 90 hour streak on this app. I'm so proud of myself 😌 anyway there will be like an extra or alternate ending coming out either the 13th or 14th of next month for the anniversary of this stanky ass fanfic ✨ moral of the story don't stick metal in outlets babes. You can kill yourself if you do that and that isn't something you want to do 💕

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