Chapter Eighteen

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I curse at myself as I wake and find my head pounding to no end. I can barely move a muscle because I'm scared that if I do, I'll throw up every drink I consumed last night.

There's a glass of water on my side table, and I grab it instantly. I throw the liquid down my throat and gasp, placing the glass back on the side and flopping back down onto my bed. My thoughts trail to last night, and, although they're blurry, I remember everything.

I remember letting my hair down with Hailey for the first time in what feels like forever. I remember Grayson showing up out of the blue and how, despite my disappointed reaction, deep down I was actually relieved that we didn't have to wait out the night for some godforsaken Uber that may or may not have arrived.

And I also remember Toby. Though the more I search my brain, the more I realise that I don't remember Toby. Not from my lectures anyway. Then again, my course is full of thousands of students, and it would be all too easy to miss a face.

Picking myself up, I drag myself to the bathroom to shower. Despite my spinning head, I fix myself up and grab a bowl of cereal before I need to make my commute to work. I'm grateful that Grayson brought us home, though I'm somewhat sad that he didn't stay the night. Nevertheless, he knows to give us girls space when it's needed, despite the fact I haven't even seen Hailey this morning; her hangovers seem to be a lot worse than mine.

A million things feel like they've happened since I was last at work, but, strangely, I can't wait to go back and kick start reality again.

As predicted, the tube is packed, but I sniff out a seat at the back and stick in my headphones. Once I make it to work, I'm thankful that my hangover has mostly subsided.

I make it to my desk and am immediately relieved to spot Danny next to me. His calm and positive charisma is what I need right now. And working is what I need to take my mind off everything else.

"Hey Mia!" Danny says when he spots me. He's already got his head stuck into a new report. "Did you have a nice break?"

I smile at the same time I start up my laptop. Truthfully, I had an amazing break. Going to New York with Grayson was previously something I could have only ever dreamed of. "It was fantastic," I say. "I'm just sorry it was so last minute. I hope you didn't have to pick up much of my work?"

Danny shakes his head. "It's been okay. I've sent you the last two reports for your comments and the Spring collection debrief is saved in the usual folder. I guess anything else is stuff Michael wants you to do."

I smile and look at my screen. I'm so glad I have someone like Danny who covers the work when I'm not in. Of course, I'd do it for him too, but I feel bad that I took time off at such a short notice.

I squirm at the endless emails clouding my inbox. Aside from the handover ones from Danny and the general company business updates, the majority of my emails are from Michael.

I scan through the list. Most of them are just reminders; reminding me of the things I need to pick up when I'm back. But I can't help but notice an email at the top with the subject Come to my office once you're settled back in.

Holy crap.

Michael seemed perfectly fine with me taking last minute holiday, despite the fact I thought he'd actually go nuts about it. If there's one man in this company who I know runs a tight ship, it's Michael, and last minute holidays doesn't seem like something he'd be a fan of. Nevertheless, he approved it without so much as a word of annoyance. But now, as I stare at the email and my heart rises to my throat, I can't help but wonder if he was saving the disciplinary action for when I returned.

Without drawing attention to myself, I leave my desk and head straight to Michael's. Thankfully, he's sat at his desk and doesn't seem flustered by phone calls or random visitors.

He looks up to me with bright eyes. His dark hair is combed to the side today and he looks very...corporate. "Mia. Hey. Take a seat. Please?"

I nod without a word, sliding into the leather seat opposite. I try my hardest to not let on just how nervous I am, but I've never been good at that.

      "Good holiday?" Michael asks as he straightens his tie.

I rub my hands against my skirt. "It was amazing. Thank you. Just what I needed."

     "I must say you had me worried for a little bit. You seemed almost in a crisis when you requested holiday at such short notice."

Fuck. I knew he was mad.

      "I'm sorry. I just needed some time."

Michael holds his hands up in defence. "Oh! No. It's absolutely fine. I was merely checking you were okay."

I try to hide the way my eyebrows pull together. Is Michael genuinely concerned that something was wrong? Then I wonder if Jenny is the one fuelling his need to care. She is, after all, one of the most caring people I've met.

"I'm fine," I reassure Michael. "Thank you though." I go to stand but Michael is quick to hold his hand out.

"Mia. Please wait. That's not why I called you in here."

I feel my forehead creasing. "It isn't?"

"I mean, it was partly the reason. But not the main reason. I actually have good news."

"Good news?" A sudden sense of relief makes my shoulders roll back.

Michael nods eagerly as he places some papers on his desk in front of him. I can barely get a good look before he says, "How do you feel about a promotion to Marketing Executive?"

My eyes turn to saucers at the same time my heart rattles inside of me. Marketing Executive?

"But im an apprentice," I choke out. "Can I even be promoted before I qualify?"

Michael shrugs. "I can do what I like with this department and its budget—within reason—and I've already gotten it signed off." He pushes the papers closer to me. "You don't have to agree right now. But I'm sure we can both agree that this is a great step for you. You have already proven your ability and worth. It's only fair we reward you."

I sit back in my chair as I stare at the documents. I feel a huge mix of excitement and guilt. If anyone should be gunning for a promotion it should be Danny, and now I wonder if he even knows that the opportunity was there for the taking to begin with.

I clasp the papers close to my chest. "Thank you Michael. I just need to think about all of this. Can I let you know tomorrow?"

"Sure. Everything is laid out in the contract. But like I said, this is a great opportunity for you. You'd be stupid to turn it down."

I nod and fly back to my desk. I shove the papers in my laptop bag and sigh. This is everything I could have ever wished for; my career has always been important to me. But, as I look over to Danny who's typing away on his keyboard, I can't help but worry that he is the more deserving one than me.

And now I don't know why he wasn't even considered.

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