Chapter Four

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My heart takes a mind of its own, but I couldn't care less. The rest of my whole fucking body is frozen with disbelief.

Mia's here. Mia's actually here.

With me.

On this plane.

Going to New York.

With me.

I have to say it in my head a dozen times over just to even begin to make it sink in.

I stare at her; the woman who has only been present in my dreams for the last month and more. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that she's not just a figment of my imagination—that we actually did have something.

May still have something.

We were real and we were in love.

Are in love.

She looks perfectly beautiful. Perfectly perfect but also different.

She has a different aura to her; something different about how she looks and how she presents herself. She's a confident woman. In just a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater—which make her look so fucking hot—I can see that she's holding her own and she knows she doesn't need to rely on anyone.

Not even me.

She knows her worth and I'm so fucking glad that she does.

Even I don't deserve her yet here I am lucky enough to be boarding this flight with her. Lucky enough that she even showed up for me.

She gives me a knowing smile, and I can barely contain my nerves when I eventually stand and grab her two small bags from the floor, heaving them up and stowing them away in the overhead locker. She can't see it, but my hands are trembling.

I run my clammy palms down my joggers before backing up into my seat, nodding my head towards the spare one next to me to gesture for her to sit down. When she does, I blow a breath and beg for my heart to slow.

"You came," is all I can say when we're both seated and comfortable, but my words have a hint of weakness to them. I can't even act natural around this woman because she does things to me that I can't even put into words. Coupled with the fact I haven't seen or spoken to Mia in over a month, the way her shoulder is now a mere centimetre from mine plummets my whole body into a total oblivion.

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