"Shut up just shut up you can't accuse me of things like this without even knowing what actually happened ." Jungkook protested frantically.

"Okay then tell me Mr. Jeon what exactly you were doing in the ceo's office alone when all the others were in lunch break ? You know what ? I knew it from the very first time I saw you" his voice rises a octave up as the man spatted the words "you're such a..."

Before the man can complete the sentence the door of their cabin which was previously closed , opened and entered the CEO himself with a unreadable look on his face .

"Mr..mr Kim!!" Bogum stuttered at the sight of the CEO himself .

"What's going on ? I heard a commotion from outside. Decided to check" His stern eyes moving from Bogum to Jungkook.

"Sir uh it's nothing I just... I was just asking jungkook what he was doing in your cabin.. " Taehyung looked at the other who has his head hanged low for some reason .

"And what do you think he was doing ?" Taehyung asked voice as stern as his eyes .

"Well I thought he was trying to you know sneak something out ..." the older raised his brow at the implication.

"Any proof you have ?" Bogum looked down at his shoes not having anything further to say .

"I'm so disappointed Mr. Park you're accusing your co-worker like this when you have no proof at all." Bogum gulped infront of those fiery eyes .

"I do not tolerate this kind of behavior in my company . Take this as a warning Mr. Park if you don't want to be removed before this three months ends you better learn to behave yourself ." Jungkook peaked a glance at the older as he can feel Bogum shaking in fear beside him.

Truth to be told the older looks really scary sending daggers at the other men's direction, this Kim Taehyung is completely new to him than the CEO who eased his nerves the first time they met.  And he felt really bad for Bogum for being the one to face this side of the older .

"No sir that won't happen ever. I promise . I'm really sorry" Bogum panicked and explained frantically.

"Good also you should apologize to Mr. Jeon and not me" Taehyung said before turning around to leave . Jungkook looked up at that moment when the ceo's footsteps halted near the doorframe and his eyes matched with the older's almond one that is looking at him with a mystic gleamer in his eyes . One must confuse it with longing and sorrow but Jungkook averted his eyes and looked at Bogum when the male mumble a half-hearted sorry .

"It's okay" He mumbled looking back at the spot where the older was standing that now is empty . With a deep exhale of air he went back to his desk . It's just feels a lot to handle in one day .
Taehyung dismissed the meeting and leaned his head back looking up at the ceiling in the now empty room . Though his face didn't gave away any expression but his mind is a whole fucking mess . His brain kept flashing Jungkook's face when he burged into their cabin , his eyes blown , head hung low . To be honest he wanted to kick out Park Bogum at that very moment. How dare he .....

"Okay , seriously what's going on ?" he looked up at the voice of his hyung .

"Nothing" he shrugged .

"Really ? It looked like you were about to throw hands at the ceiling ??

"Ughh it's really nothing just work pressure" he groaned masking the embarrassment.

"Hmmm" Namjoon hummed not buying the excuse whatsoever but didn't pressed further knowing the younger's mood .


"Yes ?" Namjoon looked up from the file .

"What do you do when you want to protect someone like really really bad but then again you can't because of...... you know.." Namjoon frowned looking at his brother who is looking at a distance , too lost in his thought .

"Okay did you hurt your head or anything ?" Namjoon asked all serious looking at his brother .

"Of course not. Anyways leave it ." He got up shrugging off the weight of his thoughts .

"If you say so...." Namjoon said skeptically , even though Taehyung noticed he didn't commented anymore , he has already embarrassed himself by voicing out those weird thoughts he was having ever since that moment and now If he opens his mouth again God knows what he would blurt out .

He was about to leave when namjoon called him again.

"By the way Tae you're coming to the dinner party. Right ?" .

Right the dinner party . Mrs Yun reminded him earlier but among all these it slipped his mind. The dinner party that he arranges for his employees to enjoy once in a month , mostly to relief some work stress and to create some bond with each other . Its something new that he started after taking over the company. And needless to say he has received due criticism from older people who believes it'll disturb the work environment but he proved them wrong as a latest study proved that this kind of fun gathering outside work actually help in the worker's mental health that also leaves a positive impact in their work .

Mostly it's Namjoon or his husband Jin  who handles everything but sometimes he too joins them .

"I have a lot in plate right now I don't think I'll make it hyung" he smiled apologetically.

"Oh fine then . By the way I was planning to invite the three trainees as well afterall they are a part of our company now"

And suddenly taehyung is no longer sure about his plans for the night .

☆━━━☆ NOTE ☆━━━☆

   Mr. Kim is a bit protective of a certain someone isn't he ?🤭

Also remember the night is still too young 😉

Thank you for reading !!

    ☆━━━━━━☆   ☆━━━━━━☆

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