After rubbing his temples, Hijikata asked,"Speaking of, where is Chizuru?".

"I let her sleep in since she didn't get some shut eye last night" Souji answered.

Hijikata furrowed his brow,"Any reason why?". No one answered, Souji and Osamu were the only ones who knew. He wasn't going to say because he was almost turning into a wolf and she had to take care of him. "I-", he was cut off by Chizuru's entrance. It looked like she was in a rush, she didn't tie her hair up in a ponytail, just let loose. The men stared at her different appearance, she looked prettier with her hair down.

"Gomen'nasai! I overslept, I'll start...breakfast", she noticed everyone already had their own plate either full or half full. Souji patted the seat next to him,"Maa, maa. Eat something or you'll be as bony as Heisuke" he chuckled. Heisuke made a fist,"Oi Souji!".

Chizuru sat in between Souji and Osamu, their was an odd smell in the air this morning. She picked up her bowl and saw her rice drowned in water with pieces of carrots and with what she could guess as meat or fish. Chizuru smiled nervously before taking a bite, good thing Souji stopped her,"Oh no that breakfast isn't yours Chizuru. Osamu-san made a terrible meal, I was afraid he'd end up poisoning you. So I made you one myself". Souji took a bowl that was hidden beside him, the rice was overcooked but the fish looked ok.

She felt bad she had to choose between both, "It's ok, I can eat...mmph!", Souji stuck a fish in her mouth to shut her up. Osamu's eye was twitching, he tried harder with her breakfast. As expected, Green Eyes had to ruin it. Chizuru blushed as Souji fed her, she still felt terrible about the breakfast Osamu had prepared. Everyone else just stared at the interaction between them, including Saito. He always notices how Chizuru is feeling despite him being a man of very little words. "I believe Yukimura-kun would rather eat something out in the town. It is agreeable everyone here is a very terrible cook" he suggested, suprised eyes stared at him. While no one was looking at her, Chizuru mouthed a thank you, Saito nodded in response.

Osamu found the oppurtunity to get out of chores and be with Chizuru, he got up immedietly along with Souji.

"I'll take her!" they both announced.

The turned to eachother and gritted teeth, especially Osamu. Souji grinned evily with one eyebrow twitching,"Looks like to me you want to skip out on chores again, hmm?". He pulled Chizuru towards his body, Osamu grabbed her other hand and did the same. "She rather spend time with me, Green Eyes" he growled lowly. Souji raised his eyebrow when he heard his growl and smirked, something was really off about this guy.

Hijikata hit the floor with his fists,"Enough! Souji, you are still sick and need to stay to rest. Osamu, you need to do chores, it's part of the deal we made in order for you to stay here. Considering you almost never even lift a finger".

Both men grunted, still not letting go of Chizuru, making her extremely uncomfortable. Osamu gripped her hand so Souji wouldn't try to snag her again. Souji put both hands on her shoulders, "Let go of her, Black Eyes" he angrily smiled.

Osamu growled even louder, now everyone's attention was caught by it, "You let go Green Eyes, Chizuru belongs to me".


All the men in the room stood up, wide eyed at what had just been said. Ready to take any action on the very bold guest. No way he was serious, Hijikata thought he sounded just like Kazama, and started wondering if it was him in disguise.

Heisuke grabbed the floor pillow and began smacking Osamu on the face,"What makes you think she belongs to you!?! You're worse than Souji you perverted psycho!! Chizuru would never be yours!!" he yelled. Osamu shielded himself with the pillow attack, letting go of Chizuru for a moment. Souji snagged the oppurtunity to sneak Chizuru out the room.

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