Boyfriend.//Rhea Ripley

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(TW: your speed bump of a boyfriend... ;3)


It was well beyond midnight when you found yourself walking in slides down the cold, concrete street. You had got in a fight with your boyfriend about one of your good friends - Rhea.

"I DON'T CARE Y/N! I DON'T WANT HER AROUND!" Your boyfriend roared as he towered over you. He had saw you and Rhea hug as you got out of her car. He apparently didn't like the way she rubbed your back, and he went all bonkers on you as soon as you walked in the door.

"I'm still not understanding. It's JUST Rhea!" You shouted back, flinching as he dashed toward you in attempt to get you to stop arguing him down. Reaching up to trap you between his arms, he peered into your eyes with the burn of wildfire.

"I don't care." He started, his voice lowering a bone-chilling octave. "She wants you, and so do I and I refuse to let her slut you out." At that, your mouth fell open. Did he just call you a slut? You scoffed, slipping from under him and swiftly maneuvering out of your front door, ignoring his commands for you to come back.
So, here you were. Walking down the concrete roads of the all too familiar neighborhood. It was well past one in the morning at this point and your feet were beginning to give out on you. Luckily, just as you felt yourself begin to give up you saw the familiar black truck come into sight. You sped up your pace, making your way over to the tall door and ringing the doorbell.

All you heard at the sound were the mixed barks of Barry and Luna. "Coming!" You heard the familiar raspy voice groggily scream. Suddenly, the muscular figure of your favorite Aussie appeared in the doorway, yawning and rubbing her eyes. At the sight of you, she sighed and pulled you in the house. Without saying a word, she began heating up hot chocolate and getting you your favorite blanket that you'd always grabbed when you came over - it was a Riot City Wrestling blanket with her 'Demi Bennett' render on it.

You watched as she finished your cup, placing it on the table before sitting close to you, spreading the blanket over the two of you. It was almost frightening to you - how she knew exactly what this was and why you were here at this time of night. Leaning her head on your shoulder, the Aussie spoke up.

"What'd he say this time?" She rasped out In disappointment. Not exactly just at you, but at the whole situation. The way she saw you - you were a gorgeous woman who deserved the absolute world - it was a shame he didn't see that worth in you.

"He said..he wouldn't let you ..slut me out.." you finished your rant. Rhea felt her jaw clench at the words. She already had a short fuse when it came to any man laying their eyes on you, naturally when you got with him the energy didn't change much. As you would make your way to her house after those big fights, telling her all the terrible things he would say - she would drop her head in disappointment as you went back to him constantly at the simple sight of a rose.

Frankly, She grew tired of it - his attitude that is. Tonight made no exceptions.

Without much a sound, Rhea lifted her tattooed hand and cupped your jaw gently with it. As you peered innocently into her crystalline eyes she furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes, letting you know exactly what she wanted without having to say it. Rhea gave you a look that demanded - Leave him.

You guys had this weird way of communicating with your eyes. Your chemistry allowed you to understand each other's language without using your words. Now that you thought about it, maybe that's what made your boyfriend so jealous - you and he didn't have that connection. It was only a friendship though...yeah.

While your heart began to thump harder in your chest, you diverted your eyes to the sleeping dog perched by the door. "I can't leave him, Rhea." You whispered. The Aussie scoffed. And why the hell not?

"He makes you miserable." Rhea spat, biting in her lip in attempt to bite her tongue. There's so much she could say about that 'bitch little boy' as she liked to call him. But she knew all too well what being in emotionally abusive relationships were like, and she knew you would only get defensive and go back to him just to hurt yourself some more.

You shook your head. "No.."

She cocked her head to the side, unimpressed.

"You're better than this."

"But I need him"

"But you don't."

"But I do"

"But you DON'T!"


The two of you tussled before Rhea had heard enough. Everything she had felt in her chest over this situation pouring out in her actions. To shut you up from talking about this scum of a man, she cupped your neck with her veiny hand and pressed her lips to yours. Surprisingly, you didn't protest. You almost instantaneously cupped her arm in your hands, kissing her back hesitantly - hearts colliding as they thumped out of your chests for each other.

While she dragged her lips away, Rhea's voice lowers in octave as she peers into your eyes. "Baby, you're so much better than him." She whispers, snaking her hand up from your neck back to your jaw. As if glued together, your eyes didn't leave each others as you tried to speak.


"I can be a better boyfriend than him." She trailed on. Even Rhea herself didn't know where this was coming from. In the time you two had been friends, she hadn't recognized her feelings for you until tonight. So even she was confused, yet she felt like she had to maintain her confidence for you.

You were utterly speechless. Was he right? Was Rhea trying to take you from him this entire time and you were just oblivious? Or was this a product of his everlasting manipulation...

"Rhea..I like you I really do, but-"

"But what? You love him? And you want to make things work? Y/N he doesn't love you - he wants to control you. More than a couple times a week, I open my front door at some random hour in the night to find you broken down because of him - That is not love." She rants, growing more and more frustrated with you. As she finishes up, your phone begins to ring. His contact name lights up the screen.

"You have a choice, Y/N. Answer it and go back there or Ignore him and choose yourself. Not me, but yourself."

You gulp, not knowing what to decide. Do you choose yourself, and possibly Rhea, or do you choose him , your comfort space yet the person that tears strips of your humanity off day by day.

"What'll it be, Y/N?"

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