Breakfast In Bed // Rhea Ripley

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(Writing this for myself because it's my BIRTHDAYYY)

"Princess..?" You heard faintly as you stirred awake from your sleep. The pale yellow light peered in from behind the sheer white curtains, blinding you for a couple seconds.

"Dems?" You groaned, stretching your body out instinctively. Your fiancé chuckled, bringing her soft hand sup to caress your thigh as you stretched.

"Good Morning my love!" She exclaimed, her heart melting at the way your face contorted as you were still half asleep, confused at your surroundings.

"Happy birthday~" she sung, planting a sweet kiss against your cheek. You giggled at the feeling, and at the fact that you forgot your own birthday for a couple seconds.

"Awww thank you Dems~"

You gasped at the Blackwood tray of goodies that sad  gently across your lap. She had cooked you all of your favorite breakfast foods.

There was a plate with fluffy waffles topped with powdered sugar and raspberries, a cinnamon roll, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The sight of the tray made you tear up just a little at the effort she put into it.

"Oh my..." you whispered, bringing a hand up to your mouth. She chuckled nervously, averting her gaze down to the tray of food on your lap.

"I love you so much.." you whispered, cupping her face with tender hands and slowly beginning to pull her toward you.

She swiftly closed the gap between your faces, pressing her lips to yours in a tender kiss. The two of you melted into each other, forgetting about the world for a few short minutes.

Demi then pulled away, flashing her infamous smirk which caused you to pout. "Eat your food, honey. We got a big day ahead of us."

You obeyed your fiancé, and began to eat your food. You also fed her some too to which she tried to fight but couldn't resist herself when you pouted at her.

"Oh! I got something for you!" She exclaimed, hopping up from her place across from you on the bed. Your heart jumped in anticipation of whatever she got you.

One thing about Demi Bennett, she was competitive in more ways than one. She always wanted to get you the best gift. The gift that she knows you want more than anything? She wants to be the one to get you it.

Barry and Luna came running in the room, attacking you with dog kisses, which caused you to giggled.

"OI! Barry !!" You giggled as he climbed all over you whilst Luna just stood next to him panting. You pet both dogs, oblivious to your ever so perfect fiancé re-entering the room with something in her arms.

Once your eyes focused on her, you noticed the little golden puppy in her arms. "OH MY GOD!!!" You squealed, jumping up from your spot on the bed and racing over to her.

Demi laughed as you damn near tackled her to the ground trying to get to the puppy. She knew you'd always wanted a golden retriever puppy.

"Demi oh my god!!" You exclaimed as you cuddled the dog close to your chest, letting him lick on your face.

She giggled at your happiness. It made her heart jump around to see you so happy on your special day. "I know exactly what you're going to name him." She said.

Eyes gleaming at the Aussie in front of you, you smiled. "Vegas." You both said in unison before breaking out laughing together.

You sat the puppy down on the ground, making a curious Barry and Luna run over to explore the new friend before jumping into your Fiancé's arms.

She caught you, holding you tight and close to her.

"I love you so much, Demi~" you whispered into her ear. You felt the vibrations of yet another giggle from her muscular chest.

"I love ya too, Y/N~"

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