Leave // Rhea Ripley

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(Can you tell I'm in my Rhea Ripley era 😮‍💨)

She paced around backstage, nervous for the upcoming match. None of the fans knew it yet, but it was going to be her last match for a while. She needed to focus on her mental health. But, she planned on coming back.

"honeyyyy~" she heard someone swoon, turning her head to see who it was. It was her girlfriend, Rhea.

"aw hey baby." She replied as a smile broke out on her face. Her and Rhea had met during the Mae Young Classic 2017 and have been practically inseparable ever since. She still hadn't broken the news to her, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Anyone with half a brain could see that Rhea would take being separated from her girlfriend harshly. She was the clingy type. "Listen..I need to tell you something" she crept. Rhea was a scary person when she was angry, and she just didn't want to cause a scene.

Rhea sat down intently, waiting patiently for whatever her lover had to tell her that was so important. Y/N took Rhea's hands in hers, taking a deep breath before confessing. "I didn't renew my contract, and This will be my last match." She said, looking straight into her girlfriends sea green eyes.

Rhea's face contorted in confusion. "Why?" Her heart began to race at the thought of being next to all alone again. "I thought we said we were gonna stay here together?" Her voice was quiet, too quiet to bring any sort of comfort to Y/N.

"I know but-"

"NO! NO BUTS! You're leaving me?" Rhea's voice began to pick up as she now stood tall over her girlfriend.

"No...Demi listen to me, we can still be togeth-" Y/N tried to reason, but she was again cut off by the stubborn Aussie.

"How. Tell me how we're going to be together if I'm never going to be there. I can't do long distance and I told you that." Rhea stressed. "They have me wrestling day in and day out I'm barely home for two days and you think this can work?"

"Demi please calm down.." Y/N whispered. She hated to admit it, but Rhea was right. That was why they'd both promised never to leave WWE because that's where they could be together. With Rhea living in Australia still, and Y/N in Florida, there was no way. But she wasn't ready to accept that.

The Aussie went silent, avoiding eye contact with her lover as a tear rolled down her face. That was new. Rhea wasn't exactly the crying type, and if she did cry she'd always excuse herself. She wanted to appear strong in front of everyone, the only person she had any stomach to talk to about anything was Y/N. Her breathing began to pick up as the anger took over her body.

How could Y/N just leave like that? It wasn't fair.

Without another word, Rhea shot one last dagger at Y/N before attempting to take her leave. Y/N grabbed the taller woman's shoulder, trying to get her to hear her out. "Demi.."

"Stop it. You wanna leave so bad? Then leave. And leave me alone." Rhea spat coldly, snatching her arm away from her, leaving her there heartbroken.

To say Y/N was heartbroken did next to no justice for her. The love of her life just totally blew up in her face. She had no idea what she was going to do. She'd been lost in her thoughts until the guy next to gorilla called her name.

"Y/N to gorilla!! You're on in 30!" That was it. Y/N had 30 seconds to get herself together and go out there and out a show on for the WWE Universe for the last time for a while.

Those 30 seconds seemed to fly by as she heard her music blare through the arena along with cheers and chants from her fans. It was show time I guess.

She did her entrance, skipping any extra theatrics as she just wanted to get the job done and go home at this point. Tonight, she'd be facing Shayna Baszler as per her request. Baszler and her were good friends, and if not Rhea Ripley, there's no one else she'd pick to have her last match with.

Throughout the match, all she could think of was Rhea. If she was watching her, if she was still mad at her, if she still loved her...

She'd almost lost. She'd taken a really bad SuperPlex from the third rope. As Baszler went to pin her, she whispered in her ear. "Are you okay? You never let anyone beat you this much." In concern. She kicked out at two, struggling to get to her feet.

Giving the older woman a nod, she continued on. Until it was finally time. She'd delivered a super kick and went for the cover.




"Here is your winner, Y/N!!" Blared, followed by screams from fans. She was never one for speeches, so she quickly hugged Shayna, before taking her leave from the ring - making sure to take in every single fan before walking backstage.

People were on her left and right asking about the news. If it were true or not. Rhea must've really made a scene. She didn't want to speak to anyone. She just wanted Rhea.

Walking past the crowd, she made her way to Rhea's locker room, not even caring that she was sore and still in her gear. Approaching the door, she gave a soft knock before hearing the Aussie yell, "Come in!"

She stepped in timidly, locking eyes with her lover through the mirror. "Demi, please listen to me."

"Leave." That stung. Rhea didn't want to hear it. As said earlier, she was incredibly stubborn when she was angry or frustrated, there was no way she'd listen to anything Y/N was saying.

"..what?" Y/N whispered. This whole situation was breaking her heart. Why couldn't she just listen to her?

"I don't want to see you." Rhea shot at her, not even looking at her through the mirror anymore. She knew that if she looked into Y/N's eyes again, she'd break. She'd beg her to stay. But she wanted to hurt Y/N like she'd just did to her. Not only is she leaving, but she didn't tell her until the very last second.

"I don't ever want to see you again, Y/N. Leave me alone." She said once again.

Dropping her head in defeat, Y/N held in her tears and took her leave. Shutting the door behind her and granting Rhea's wish.

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